outreach & wonderland .

Hello blogspot ! :D I'm super tired right now , but i just felt the need to make 2 blog posts before i go to bed . LOL . it's been almost a month since i last blogged. For starters, i got a new layout. :D this time, its not a dark layout . ^^ hehe. So this post is gonna be about the outreach event at church, & wonderland with Esther<3 & another post is going to be about my camping trip with church ! :3 yes, a seperate post for camping, because it deserves it.<3

So on August 28th,was an outreach event at church. I brought my best friend Christianne with me. She got to my house at around 4pm, and at 4:30 we went to the flea market to go pick my sister up from work to go straight to church. We got there at around 5:45, which was real early since the bbq didnt start until 6:00. So Esther & i introduced Christianne to all our church people. :D <3 she didnt even remember the names, cause there were so many people. xD haha. i dont blame her , i remember the first time i went to the church, and it took me FOREVER to remember their names . XD LOOL .so at 6, everyone came! there were alot more people there than i had expected! we ate for a good hour and a half, eating and socializing with one another. :) Enoch Matthew and a few other guys were surrounding Esther, Michelle Q Rebekah & i talking to us and joking around. LOL Enoch was bugging esther & i the whole night about going camping. LOL.

When everyone finished eating, we all went to gather in the church. it was time for worship and skits and testimonies. <3333As i was entering into the church, Joseph MC & Vicky were handing out mini booklets to newcomers, and when i entered the church, i stuck my hand out to get a booklet, and Joseph says 'sorry, newcomers only' LOOOOL. There were all these newcomers in front of me entering the church, and there were more newcomers entering behind me, and then theres just me. LOOOL bwahahaha . MC was dying when she saw me . XD HAHAHHAA . cutiesss. (L) so i sat between christianne and rebekah. :3

I think the worship that saturday night was the best. It really felt like a mini TC. I saw people singing with their eyes closed, and with their arms in the air. I honestly love the sight of seeing Christians singing their hearts out to God. It's just breathtaking . The worship team did an amazing job. Props to Esther Tang, Esther Ma, Joseph, Matthew, Johnson, Vincent, Grace & Alan <3 I remember just friday night, they were practicing and they were all struggling to get the right notes and everything. And then, saturday night, BAM! everything went so perfect. <3 To be honest, i was really happy to see Christianne sing a bit during worship. I know it was really different from her church, since i experienced the same thing before I converted into a Christian, but i was happy seeing her sing to amazing grace & with everything. <3 During our last song, we sang One Way, Jesus , and i was hoping for alot more people to come up to the front and sing, but, it just ended up to be us church people. LOL . i tried to drag Christianne up there, but she refused. ): haha oh weeell . the skit team did an amazing job too! LOL it was too funny. Guillame paired up with Vicky, and Tim & shirley together. LOOOOOL. you just wouldnt see those two pairs together at all. hahaha . XD Vicky's hair flip was so cuteeeee. that girl is too cute & hilarious. <3 Overall, the skit was amazing! And props to everyone on the media team ! The testimonies was real good too! Enoch Michelle Q and Ronald did their testimonies. It's amazing to hear testimonies. It really shows just how much God has done throughout everyone's life. Hearing their testimonies, i want to do one myself. LOL. I know the time will come for me to be able to do one at the perfect moment. :3 After Enoch's testimony, it was the choir's turn to perform our song 'I Pray' :) LOLOL, we did pretty goood! but i was talking to my sister after, and she said we were real off in the beginning . ROFLROFL, but we got better later on. XD hahaha . Overall, the night was just amazing, and it's an unforgettable night , for not just me, but for EVERYONE. <3 Thankyou God for letting this happen, and allowing us to feel your presence that night. (L)

SUNDAY!, was wonderland with Esther. :3 hehehehe . it was my first time going with her. we got there at around 1:00 after church. :3 We had to buy our own lunches, since the bbq thing started at 11-11:45. LOL. so after lunch, esther & i went our own ways and left josh & his friend, james. funny thing is, wherever we went, we would bump right back into them. haha. cute cute. we walked for a good hour just talking and not going on any rides. XD LOL. Finally, we decided to go on the rage. LOLOLOL. oh dear, i totally embarrassed myself. ): Not only to esther, but to the people sitting beside me. LMFAO LMFAO . we were at the very back row, and i never really realized how high the boat swung ... it didnt look high at first, but its COMPLETELY different once youre on the ride. LMFAO. So i was screaming at the top of my lungs, and after the ride i apologized to the girl beside me, and she replies with 'its okay, i think you scared me more than the ride' LMFAOOOOOO, EMBARRASSINGGGGG . $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$: Esther was just there laughing at me. D: BOO ! T_T" hahaa . So after we walked for another good hour , and waited in line for the scooby doo haunted mansion for a good 45 minutes. they completely changed the whole ride! its not scooby doo themed anymore, the name changed too. D; but i thought the inside of the mansion was so much cooler! there were more scary things in there this time. :) Of course, being me and having a bad aim, i lost to Esther. LOOOL her score was in the thousands, while mine was still in the hundreds. ): SO SAD . everytime i go on that ride, i NEVER EVER EVER win against the person beside me. ): one day i will though ! D; HAHA. We wanted to go in the spongebob 3D theatre, but man the line was SO long ! we would've had to wait for a good hour. D; we couldnt risk that, since it was almost time to go home. So we left, and instead, we decided to go eat. LMFAOOOO . i bought an ice cream cone from DQ cause i was craving it. LOLOLOL. and Esther bought a strawberry creme frap from starbucks.! the way she ordered her frap was SUPER CUTE. (L) hahaha. so we just chilled in starbucks for a good 20 minutes, and we also went and walked around in shops, looking at random things. hehehe. Then after we met up with josh and james and just went to the pick up and drop off to wait for our parents to come. We saw Grace <3 i was happy to see her. :) hehehe. So yeah, that was my two days, AMAZING. <3
Written on September 5, 2010 at 10:10 PM