bad timing.

i hate how people tease me about this guy, and i just keep on falling for him more and more. Today, all that was in my head was him. it is sooooo ridiculous. like, get out of there. ugh, i dont know how my feelings all of a sudden became like this.. usually i can just control myself.. but i kept telling myself to stop thinking about him and whatnot.. totally couldn't control that. Seeing him more & more, talking, and having little jokes with each other doesn't help me either. I dont know why i like the guys that i know will never ever like me back.. i can't lie doe, i do like it when he makes those little jokes to me about taking me to prom and having little dates and stuff. but then, i get brought back to reality when i hear his friends talking about his ex and all these other girls and stuff. sigh, i dont even know. i just want to get rid of my feelings for him. I know after June, that will be the last of me talking to him ever again in my life...
Written on May 10, 2012 at 12:49 AM