Sushi 168
Blogspot, today was such a gloomy day especially with all the rain! :( But that's okay, cause i had a pretty good day today! :D yayayayay. Today was Terry Fox at school, and obviously i didn't go, & i'm glad i didnt. Walking in the rain is NOT fun. So i woke up at 8:30 today, got ready & went to Chris' at around 9 :)We just chilled in her room, doing random stuff,LOL. Then we went downstairs for breakfast, had instant noodles with Rachel right in the morning.. LOL #fatstatus. whateves yo, ain't even mad. Chris was dying of laughter cause rachel & my glasses were fogged up because of the steam rising from the instant noodles! LOOOOL dkm! we literally laughed for a good 10 minutes! HAHA, we're gonna go eat pho one day & see how badly our glasses get fogged up. LOLOL. Then we just went back upstairs & chilled in her room some more. Look at cokes sleeping, <3 she's suuhhhh cayuteee!

ahh,why so cute coco? <3 HEHEHE.
At 12, we went to Sushi 168 to meet up with the other asians + amelia. LOL hahah. There was 8 of us & we reserved a booth, LOL. Rach Chris & i entered & the waiters automatically knew we were with the other asians & directed us to the booth, LOL. I couldn't believe how little the kat allie & them ordered! omgosh, we came right in time! Chris & i just took over the ordering sheet & we ordered so much food! <3 OMNOMNOMNOM. That's how it's done with us 8)The one thing i hated about this time's visit was that the food came SOOOOOO slow! like, omgosh. Usually it comes non stop one after the other.. but once we finished a dish, & we finished digesting.. THEN another plate of food comes -__-" i didn't like that. But look at this yumminess!

oh man, it was sooooo delicious. <3 haha we used up like... 3 order sheets cause we were never full every time one of the order sheets were completed, LOL. The waitresses were giving us cut eye & everything. I guess cause we ordered so much food, & we just kept on ordering & also cause we were loud.. :\ but whateves yo. When we left, they talked about us in mandarin ugh >.> I should've told them, 'I UNDERSTAND' LOL. oh well, & here's our group pictures, <3

LOL at Chris' face in the bottom right picture! hahaha. Melz & i didn't even get to be in one group picture together because we were the photographers,BLAH. But i realized that i am soooo very shameless when i'm around these people, HAHA. I make the ugliest faces & they see the ugly side of me every single day at school <3 ROFL. They see it so much they start getting embarrassed to even hang out with me LOL jks. :) But yeah, im extremely shameless around them it's kinda funny, (: But i love how i'm able to be myself around these people! i love them :) <3

ahh,why so cute coco? <3 HEHEHE.
At 12, we went to Sushi 168 to meet up with the other asians + amelia. LOL hahah. There was 8 of us & we reserved a booth, LOL. Rach Chris & i entered & the waiters automatically knew we were with the other asians & directed us to the booth, LOL. I couldn't believe how little the kat allie & them ordered! omgosh, we came right in time! Chris & i just took over the ordering sheet & we ordered so much food! <3 OMNOMNOMNOM. That's how it's done with us 8)The one thing i hated about this time's visit was that the food came SOOOOOO slow! like, omgosh. Usually it comes non stop one after the other.. but once we finished a dish, & we finished digesting.. THEN another plate of food comes -__-" i didn't like that. But look at this yumminess!

oh man, it was sooooo delicious. <3 haha we used up like... 3 order sheets cause we were never full every time one of the order sheets were completed, LOL. The waitresses were giving us cut eye & everything. I guess cause we ordered so much food, & we just kept on ordering & also cause we were loud.. :\ but whateves yo. When we left, they talked about us in mandarin ugh >.> I should've told them, 'I UNDERSTAND' LOL. oh well, & here's our group pictures, <3

LOL at Chris' face in the bottom right picture! hahaha. Melz & i didn't even get to be in one group picture together because we were the photographers,BLAH. But i realized that i am soooo very shameless when i'm around these people, HAHA. I make the ugliest faces & they see the ugly side of me every single day at school <3 ROFL. They see it so much they start getting embarrassed to even hang out with me LOL jks. :) But yeah, im extremely shameless around them it's kinda funny, (: But i love how i'm able to be myself around these people! i love them :) <3
Written on September 23, 2011 at 7:03 PM