
Kinda forgot to write a review on here.. So, i finished this yesterday! yayy! finally :) & it was such a cute & sad drama! I absolutely loved it & was obsessed with it. I adore the cast, & especially the OST! <3 I loved seeing park shin hye & yonghwa together in a drama again, since they worked together in ' You're Beautiful ' . I was so happy that in this drama, they were actually together as a couple, since in their last drama, it was so heartbreaking that they weren't together. I think they make such a cute couple :)

Yonghwa did an amazing job acting in this, especially since it's his first time as a lead role! I fell in love with him all over again after watching him in this. His voice, & his looks & the way he plays guitar... SO BEAUTIFUL. hehe, major obsession over him right now <3 He's so amazing! & even though it's just a drama, the things he does is suuuuuh sweet <3 i want a boyfriend like him! You can really see the drastic change in him throughout the drama. Of course, for the better :)

Park Shin Hye as always, is an amazing actress! She's so pretty & cute :) She has such a sweet voice when she sings :) & i love her character in this! She never gives up despite all the obstacles & insults she's always receiving. She follows her dreams even though her grandfather whom she lives with objects. The only thing i disliked about her character was the fact that she always got taken advantage of because of her nice personality. Even till the very end, she never stood up for herself.

Minhyuk is soooo adorable! haha, in every drama or movie he's in, he's always playing the dumb & witty type. but he's suuuuuh cayute! he's so good looking when he's up on stage playing the drums, & so sweet towards the girl he likes! :) & even though the girl he likes always pushes him away, he still doesn't give up :)

The one thing that somewhat killed the drama were the awkward kiss scenes x___x" like, yonghwa & shin hye are a couple, they kiss... but their eyes are open -__-" NO, they're suppose to be closed! blah, totally killed it. wish the kiss scenes were more nice & not awkward. but whateves, absolutely adore this drama! totally recommended for someone who wants a cute and funny drama to watch :)
Written on November 8, 2011 at 10:06 PM