Day 1 of TC 2012

So, like how the title suggests, day 1 of senior TC 2012 just finished. Im just gonna keep this post as short as i can. Not planning on going into too much detail about today.

To be honest, i had a lot of expectations for this year's TC. I was super duper hyped up about it since january. Seeing all the posts on the facebook group, seeing videos, seeing the shirts and all the great things on that group... TC was the only thing i was looking forward to. The past two years that i've been going to TC, i had amazing teams. Not only were they fun to be around and talk to, the love they have for God was unbelievable. The people on my team last year were so inspirational. I guess maybe because the last two years of TC for me was amazing, i had high expectations for this year to be equally if not more amazing than last year's. But clearly, after today, that wasn't the case. I love my team, theyre fun to be around.. But i just didnt think their hearts were fully there at TC. Falling asleep not only when the speaker was speaking, but falling asleep when our captains were sharing their testimonies which i thought were so good, and not even wanting to sing praises to Him. Who deserves our worship. It's ironic how my team were doing some sharing today, and we were talking about having no expectations for this year's TC because it's just gonna lead to greater disappointments like always and to just leave it to God. It's true that i didnt feel God's presence during the last session of the day, but i guess this whole time i just expected alot from people, and forgot that maybe some are still trying to know God, and to find Him. Tomorrow's a new day, a new beginning, a new start.. Im not gonna have any expectations and just let God do what He sees fit. Only Gof knows whats best.
Written on March 14, 2012 at 11:09 PM