VBS 2013

So VBS took place last week, and it was my first time volunteering at VBS. Every single one of us volunteers were so unprepared for VBS this year. Captains, REC, Worship, and even the SMU schedule. I didn't think it would be possible for VBS to happen, or for it to even be good at all. I was so angry at the fact that none of us were ready for VBS in terms of the responsibilities we had to do for VBS, but we've learned so many lessons during our preparations for VBS, and during VBS week.

Looking back, i do regret the lack of preparations, and doing everything last minute.. but i'm really thankful and blessed to have been able to serve alongside my brothers and sisters for VBS. We've been through alot with one another.. we've gotten into fights, tears were shed, and we all dealt with alot of stress. The theme to this year's VBS was about serving, and we learned just as much about serving as the kids who we were teaching it too. God also taught us volunteers so many other things. One thing that I came to realize from God was that we ourselves are so weak. We can't do anything without God. If we don't rely on Him for strength, and don't ask Him for help through prayer, nothing will work out because our plans always fail but God's plans never fail. God really showed us that not only do we need to rely on Him for help, but also on each other. If there is something that we can't do ourselves, we need to let go of our pride and thinking that we can do it on our own, and ask our brothers and sisters for help. God has placed people in our lives so that we don't have to go through things alone, but rather we have shoulders to lean on, and carry our burdens together. Although we were very unprepared, God showed us that He has everything in control and all we need to do is lift it all up to Him. I'm not saying that it's okay to be unprepared and leave everything to God, but we were all so worried if something went wrong, or if a mistake was made.. but it really doesn't matter if mistakes were made in worship, or the message, or the games, or cheer.. because there will always bound to be mistakes.. because that's how we improve for next year.. but rather hoping that the kids are focusing on God and growing closer to him instead of looking at the mistakes. God is only using us as His tools to reach out to the kids.. we should be invisible when we serve so that all people can see is God and not us. Although the weeks leading up to VBS and even during VBS was difficult and stressful, it was really rewarding when we saw the older kids who are "too cool" to do worship and dance, to get out of their comfort zone and sing and dance for God. And even having the grade 5 and 6 class offer to serve us volunteers instead through cleaning up after lunch. It's those little things that matter the most, seeing just how much God has touched their hearts that they want to do something in return.. and even in the kindergartens when they cried during the calling on the last day. It doesn't matter how young you are, because God can use you to touch other people's heart.. and in this case, the kindergartens understood and felt God, and it touched us older ones, when we saw them cry. It was a very humbling experience to be able to serve God and His children at VBS this year and being able to bond with the other volunteers as well. Definitely an experience I won't forget.
Written on August 22, 2013 at 2:22 PM