summer school day 3

So today was day 3 of summer school. why is this week going by sooooo slow? i want it to be friday already! it feels like i've been in summer school for a good month now . x_x
so today, we had a quiz. And , i think i failed it. LOL. yep. cause i didn't study XD It was easy, but since i didnt study, i didnt get some answers, and had to write something down. :( so i definitely lost marks there. I fell asleep in class once again today. But it was when we were watching a movie, so its all good. :D Not like a lesson or anything. But its not my fault history is so boring. :( If i sat at the back, i would be sleeping all 5 hours! LOL We did some group work today. I was with Mark & Jon. haha. :3 They kept calling me stupid cause i kept asking them for the answers, when they told me to do the questions. :( ROFL. so then, we were talking about men being cowards and not going to war, so i decided to call them cowards. :D bwahaha . then they called me stupid again -___-" If i'm stupid, Jon is stupider . LOOOL. he wrote the wrong answers to a question . ROFLROFL. He totally read the question wrong . BWAHAHA , he didn't believe me when i told him . XD Near the end of the day, Me Mark, Jon Jeanette & this other girl name Kayla were all talking, and Jon decided to crack his neck and all his fingers, and do some weird shiet with his hands . -_-" SO GROSS. he likes to do that to piss me off, since i cant stand it >.> stupid guy! But it was funnnny. And he has to dance for me too! I will make sure he dances for me before summer school ends. :D Quite a good day. :)

oh, my neck hurts .. alot . :( it seems like it got worse! , doctor said it'll take a week for it to heal. :( FML .
Written on July 7, 2010 at 5:17 PM