PD Day
A day late cause i came home late last night & i fell asleep, LOL. Yesterday was PD Day! :) omgosh, so happy i had no school <3 But, that's the only PD Day of the year, :( so sad. But i made that PD Day worth it! :D yayayay.
So i woke up at 8:15AM yesterday -___-" omgosh, Y SO EARLY?! I had to get my health card renewed -___-" ugh. I was so not down to wake up and go that early especially since it was my day off from school! But i had to... :\ So i got my things ready, & my dad drove me to get it done. I get there & registered and whatnot, and the receptionist told me i brought an outdated version of my report card & that i can't renew my health card with that report card... -___-" are you serious bro?! They never said i needed the most recent report card, they just said to bring something that had my address on it SIGH. so my dad had to drive ALL the way back to our house so that i could get the most recent report card & then drive ALL THE WAY BACK -___-" HAHA, it was awkward cause i saw Gavin Walker there. LOL, we looked at each other & we were just like, 'WHAT?' LOL. whateves yo, we just did our own thing. When they finally took my picture, they told me my eyes were closed... LOL i laughed silently to myself remembering what Kat was telling me, 'IF THEY TELL YOU YOUR EYES ARE CLOSED, TELL THEM YOU'RE ASIAN' LMFAOOO. I didn't really say that to them though, i just let them retake it, HAHA.
After my health card renewal i went straight to Chris' house to chill with her & Rachel, <3 We're honestly so crazy... it's a PD day yet we still chill with one another, we can't seem to get enough of each other, HAHA. But chilling with them yesterday made it seem like it was still summer! Anyways, as soon as i enter the house, i screamed ' GIMME FOOD IM HUNGRY' ROFLROFL. & they're all like, 'YOU DONT EVEN SAY HI TO US, SO WE SAVED YOU NO FOOD' BWAHAHHA, what lies. (; Of course they saved me food. <3 I forgot what kind of meat we had, but boy it was DELICIOUS. <3 i lvoe filipino food :) <3 HEHEHE. & Chris fried me an egg, <3 SHE KNOWS WHAT I LOVE! she made me a sunny side up, & the yolk bursted in my mouth, OMGOSH SO GOOOOD. Then we just went into Chris' room and chilled, & talked & went on the computer. We are honestly such freaks, WHO HAS FUN WITH GOOGLE TRANSLATOR?! LOL, we do. ;) Chris tested me on my chinese & tested rachel & i on our korean ;D AYEEE. of course i beat rachel with the korean, (; LOL. Then we ate again... LOL. it was lunch time (; the first time i ate was breakfast! HAHA. We had spam & rice! & then we had cinnabuns <3 DROOLS. soooo delicious. <3 then after, i just watched Chris & Rachel practice their instruments for senior band auditions :) Then we just took pictures with my phone, HAHA.

My dad came to pick me up with Benson at around 4 & we headed down to vaughan mills to meet up with my mom & aunt for dinner :) We got there early, & since we don't eat until 7, we decided to shop for abit. I was with my mom & aunt, & i followed them into Laura, since they adore that shop. I helped find clothes for them to try on & whatnot. haha, we spent an hour & a half in that store -___-" Benson, my dad & uncle william were just chilling outside of the store bored. LOL, felt bad for them! But, that's what they get go shopping with ladies. HAHA. I was getting bored waiting for my mom to come out of the fitting room, so i took a picture of myself.

Then my mom came out & i took a picture with her in the fitting room LOOOL.

WE SO CAYUTE RIGHT?! LOL. like mother like daughter, (; But yeah, after they finally finished shopping in that store, we went for dinner! We ate at some high fancy chinese restaurant inside the store. x_x" The food was aiight, it was so pricey though omgosh. I could eat the same chinese food at home & it would taste good! sigh. waste of moneyyy, not cute. We ate until the mall closed at 9, & then after we just picked up my sister from church. overall, a day well spent :) YAY!
So i woke up at 8:15AM yesterday -___-" omgosh, Y SO EARLY?! I had to get my health card renewed -___-" ugh. I was so not down to wake up and go that early especially since it was my day off from school! But i had to... :\ So i got my things ready, & my dad drove me to get it done. I get there & registered and whatnot, and the receptionist told me i brought an outdated version of my report card & that i can't renew my health card with that report card... -___-" are you serious bro?! They never said i needed the most recent report card, they just said to bring something that had my address on it SIGH. so my dad had to drive ALL the way back to our house so that i could get the most recent report card & then drive ALL THE WAY BACK -___-" HAHA, it was awkward cause i saw Gavin Walker there. LOL, we looked at each other & we were just like, 'WHAT?' LOL. whateves yo, we just did our own thing. When they finally took my picture, they told me my eyes were closed... LOL i laughed silently to myself remembering what Kat was telling me, 'IF THEY TELL YOU YOUR EYES ARE CLOSED, TELL THEM YOU'RE ASIAN' LMFAOOO. I didn't really say that to them though, i just let them retake it, HAHA.
After my health card renewal i went straight to Chris' house to chill with her & Rachel, <3 We're honestly so crazy... it's a PD day yet we still chill with one another, we can't seem to get enough of each other, HAHA. But chilling with them yesterday made it seem like it was still summer! Anyways, as soon as i enter the house, i screamed ' GIMME FOOD IM HUNGRY' ROFLROFL. & they're all like, 'YOU DONT EVEN SAY HI TO US, SO WE SAVED YOU NO FOOD' BWAHAHHA, what lies. (; Of course they saved me food. <3 I forgot what kind of meat we had, but boy it was DELICIOUS. <3 i lvoe filipino food :) <3 HEHEHE. & Chris fried me an egg, <3 SHE KNOWS WHAT I LOVE! she made me a sunny side up, & the yolk bursted in my mouth, OMGOSH SO GOOOOD. Then we just went into Chris' room and chilled, & talked & went on the computer. We are honestly such freaks, WHO HAS FUN WITH GOOGLE TRANSLATOR?! LOL, we do. ;) Chris tested me on my chinese & tested rachel & i on our korean ;D AYEEE. of course i beat rachel with the korean, (; LOL. Then we ate again... LOL. it was lunch time (; the first time i ate was breakfast! HAHA. We had spam & rice! & then we had cinnabuns <3 DROOLS. soooo delicious. <3 then after, i just watched Chris & Rachel practice their instruments for senior band auditions :) Then we just took pictures with my phone, HAHA.

My dad came to pick me up with Benson at around 4 & we headed down to vaughan mills to meet up with my mom & aunt for dinner :) We got there early, & since we don't eat until 7, we decided to shop for abit. I was with my mom & aunt, & i followed them into Laura, since they adore that shop. I helped find clothes for them to try on & whatnot. haha, we spent an hour & a half in that store -___-" Benson, my dad & uncle william were just chilling outside of the store bored. LOL, felt bad for them! But, that's what they get go shopping with ladies. HAHA. I was getting bored waiting for my mom to come out of the fitting room, so i took a picture of myself.

Then my mom came out & i took a picture with her in the fitting room LOOOL.

WE SO CAYUTE RIGHT?! LOL. like mother like daughter, (; But yeah, after they finally finished shopping in that store, we went for dinner! We ate at some high fancy chinese restaurant inside the store. x_x" The food was aiight, it was so pricey though omgosh. I could eat the same chinese food at home & it would taste good! sigh. waste of moneyyy, not cute. We ate until the mall closed at 9, & then after we just picked up my sister from church. overall, a day well spent :) YAY!
Written on September 17, 2011 at 3:22 PM