worst monday
wowowowowow, i must say today was the worst monday of life. Honestly, i don't think i ever hated school as much as today. And i know it's not gonna get any better! I have no problem with my schedule, i'm fine with the subject each class is teaching.. i just cannot stand the people and teacher in my classes! I'm absolutely ready to punch someone out.
I didn't even have chem class today cause i was volunteering for picture day, but the students i had to help were really cheesing me -___-" Can't believe just how rude some niners are, & especially the ESL students. They're VERY rude. Not our fault your name wasn't on the list, like, don't give me attitude. geez. & i got a stupid papercut cause stupid mcquire wouldn't let us take off the elastics from the name tag thingys... LIKE, how am i suppose to find the name tag for the students without taking the elastic off?! ugh. horrible start to the morning.
Anthro was aiight. Just some girls are so stupid & rude. Like, shut up if you don't want to pay attention to a presentation, geez. at least have some respect for other people who are presenting and stuff.
i use to love hospitality... but i hate it now. Definitely and totally hate the people in my class.. i hate where i sit. WHY do i have to sit with a bunch of guys who are so annoying immature and disgusting?! Some guy spits on me every time you talk.. this other guy only knows how to insult chinese people, like shutup. Chinese people are not dumb.. you are. Chinese people are way smarter than you'll ever be, that's why everything is made in china you stupid butt head. Like, if you knew i was chinese, you wouldn't even have said half the things you said, cause you know i could beat your butt anyday. Don't care if you're in grade 12, stupid racist jokes piss me off. I'm sure you even notice the death glares i gave you today. & the girls in my class are just so loud and annoying -___-" gosh, someone just shoot me while i'm in that class.
And photography... i hate that class too. The girl beside is really annoying, i can't stand it. The teacher is practically blind since whenever i call for help, he fully doesn't hear or see me, and just ignores me and helps other people. I get so annoyed cause i have to have my hand up for the full period before he sees me. I hate sitting at the very back without a desk. I better get a desk, or i'll be really upset.
Then after school i go to guidance to change my schedule... seriously was hoping i could have changed my schedule so that i could get out of my ugly chemistry and hospitality classes. But noooo, stupid guidance said he can't switch me out of chemistry because saying you don't understand what the teacher is teaching is not a valid reason. ARE YOU DUMB -___-" I'm failing in that class already & it's only been 2 weeks into school.. like, SERIOUSLY? There is a chemistry class 4th period, but then that overlaps my photography class.. and then i gotta find another course to fill 1st period & apparently all 1st period classes are already filled -__-" and it's not possible for me to have a spare in grade 11. UGH. LEGIT. today was not a good day, nothing went right as i hoped for. & now, im stuck in all these classes that i hate. I don't even want to learn anything in these classes cause of the people i'm surrounded by & whatnot.
Just grateful towards kathreena & chris for telling me about after school science tutors, & that we're gonna have a science sessions after school on some days. <3 & i love mark for just giving me a comforting hug today after school at our lockers. :) <3 Love that brown dude so much! He can be an idiot at times, but i love him with all my heart <3 nicest & coolest brown kid i ever met <33
I didn't even have chem class today cause i was volunteering for picture day, but the students i had to help were really cheesing me -___-" Can't believe just how rude some niners are, & especially the ESL students. They're VERY rude. Not our fault your name wasn't on the list, like, don't give me attitude. geez. & i got a stupid papercut cause stupid mcquire wouldn't let us take off the elastics from the name tag thingys... LIKE, how am i suppose to find the name tag for the students without taking the elastic off?! ugh. horrible start to the morning.
Anthro was aiight. Just some girls are so stupid & rude. Like, shut up if you don't want to pay attention to a presentation, geez. at least have some respect for other people who are presenting and stuff.
i use to love hospitality... but i hate it now. Definitely and totally hate the people in my class.. i hate where i sit. WHY do i have to sit with a bunch of guys who are so annoying immature and disgusting?! Some guy spits on me every time you talk.. this other guy only knows how to insult chinese people, like shutup. Chinese people are not dumb.. you are. Chinese people are way smarter than you'll ever be, that's why everything is made in china you stupid butt head. Like, if you knew i was chinese, you wouldn't even have said half the things you said, cause you know i could beat your butt anyday. Don't care if you're in grade 12, stupid racist jokes piss me off. I'm sure you even notice the death glares i gave you today. & the girls in my class are just so loud and annoying -___-" gosh, someone just shoot me while i'm in that class.
And photography... i hate that class too. The girl beside is really annoying, i can't stand it. The teacher is practically blind since whenever i call for help, he fully doesn't hear or see me, and just ignores me and helps other people. I get so annoyed cause i have to have my hand up for the full period before he sees me. I hate sitting at the very back without a desk. I better get a desk, or i'll be really upset.
Then after school i go to guidance to change my schedule... seriously was hoping i could have changed my schedule so that i could get out of my ugly chemistry and hospitality classes. But noooo, stupid guidance said he can't switch me out of chemistry because saying you don't understand what the teacher is teaching is not a valid reason. ARE YOU DUMB -___-" I'm failing in that class already & it's only been 2 weeks into school.. like, SERIOUSLY? There is a chemistry class 4th period, but then that overlaps my photography class.. and then i gotta find another course to fill 1st period & apparently all 1st period classes are already filled -__-" and it's not possible for me to have a spare in grade 11. UGH. LEGIT. today was not a good day, nothing went right as i hoped for. & now, im stuck in all these classes that i hate. I don't even want to learn anything in these classes cause of the people i'm surrounded by & whatnot.
Just grateful towards kathreena & chris for telling me about after school science tutors, & that we're gonna have a science sessions after school on some days. <3 & i love mark for just giving me a comforting hug today after school at our lockers. :) <3 Love that brown dude so much! He can be an idiot at times, but i love him with all my heart <3 nicest & coolest brown kid i ever met <33
Written on September 19, 2011 at 4:09 PM