
it's official, every thing that i've been holding on to, all the painful memories from the past, i'm officially letting go and starting anew. It's time for me to break down the barrier i built around me. It's time for me to understand that just because i got hurt real bad in the past from people, doesn't mean that everybody is the same. There are people who care and love me. There are people i need to reach out to in the world, and i can't do that if all that's in my mind is, ' don't open up to people or they'll hurt you' i need to give people chances, learn to trust people again. I need to erase everything from my mind so that it will not pull me back from people anymore. I deserve to meet new people, to experience what trust and love is again. It's time to step forward and not backwards. In with the new, out with the old.
Written on November 6, 2011 at 6:53 PM