christianne gregorio. ♥

^see that up there? yeah . that's a picture drawn on the computer FOR THE FIRST TIME by my bestestestest friend in the whole world , christianne gregorio . This picture is on facebook tumblr& twitter already , and it deserves to be shown to the whole world! that is why i am posting it here now. (: Why does it deserve to be shown to the whole world? well first , simply because its gorgeous,amazing,touching,sweet & cuteand second , because it was made by my best friend to me, and no one has ever done such a thing for me in my entire life! She decided to make this for me and not do her homework! she spent a good day & a half making this, with her hands cramping, and trying to get every detail of us. Honestly, she left me speechless with this. All i keep saying is how much this touched my heart , which is true because she did this because she knew how much i love to photoshop. And her telling me why she did it , touched me too. No one ever pays attention to anything i say . But this girl, she remembers every little thing i say. Some of the most randomest things, she'll remember . Seriously, what did i do in my past life to deserve such an amazing best friend? Is this my reward for living such a horrible life in the past? Cause if it is , then all the depression i went through, WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT . I'm still so shocked knowing that this girl pays so much detail on me , even knowing what colour my shoes are, and the colour of my skin tone! Every little detail, she got right on .
Christianne Gregorio , you left me speechless once again by your talent and amazingness. I honestly can't even thankyou enough . This picture means everything to me , and i'm just so speechless , that i'm repeating everything over and over again cause i have nothing better to say . But , i love you with my whole heart and don't ever forget that . Thankyou for being born into this world , and allowing me to meet such an amazing person and becoming best friends with them. ♥
Written on May 30, 2010 at 12:33 AM
random depression.
Yeah, so once again .. i'm depressed. Honestly, i hate this. I've been getting this alot lately. I wish it would just stop. I've had enough of depression.
First off , i know that i'm quite mean to people, saying their face is disgusting .. but you know i'm only joking. I've made 2 people ignore me today. It's kinda like wtf? to me , because they're always making fun of me. You don't see me ignoring them at all. Because i know they're joking, even when i dont like it. Plus, they're making fun of my culture thats the biggest piss off ever. As if back in elementary i didn't have enough of teasing, considering i was the only asian in my school , but to deal with it in high school as well? yeah, so much for thinking 'things are different now' . i should honestly be the one who's pissed. who the hell likes getting their own culture made fun of? Yeah they're joking , but its just overboard , and its rude. If i can handle them making fun of my culture , then you should be able to handle me making fun of your face. But honestly, if you're gonna ignore & be mad at me , go ahead. whatever , i'll do the same to you when you make fun of my culture again. It's only fair right?
And ,why is it that i'm always listening to this one song that reminds me of him ? i don't understand. Actually, i dont understand where i am right now. I know my feelings are gone, but for some reason , i can't help wanting to talk to him, and missing him .. i thought i moved on .. so much for that <_< I hear the song constantly wherever i go! i hear it on the radio, it gets played on my ipod .. and on my computer . i really need to stop . control your feelings viviann , control your feelings
First off , i know that i'm quite mean to people, saying their face is disgusting .. but you know i'm only joking. I've made 2 people ignore me today. It's kinda like wtf? to me , because they're always making fun of me. You don't see me ignoring them at all. Because i know they're joking, even when i dont like it. Plus, they're making fun of my culture thats the biggest piss off ever. As if back in elementary i didn't have enough of teasing, considering i was the only asian in my school , but to deal with it in high school as well? yeah, so much for thinking 'things are different now' . i should honestly be the one who's pissed. who the hell likes getting their own culture made fun of? Yeah they're joking , but its just overboard , and its rude. If i can handle them making fun of my culture , then you should be able to handle me making fun of your face. But honestly, if you're gonna ignore & be mad at me , go ahead. whatever , i'll do the same to you when you make fun of my culture again. It's only fair right?
And ,why is it that i'm always listening to this one song that reminds me of him ? i don't understand. Actually, i dont understand where i am right now. I know my feelings are gone, but for some reason , i can't help wanting to talk to him, and missing him .. i thought i moved on .. so much for that <_< I hear the song constantly wherever i go! i hear it on the radio, it gets played on my ipod .. and on my computer . i really need to stop . control your feelings viviann , control your feelings
Written on May 28, 2010 at 4:54 PM
first impressions.
so, while i was in the shower , i did some thinking yet again. It wasn't like, those super deep thoughts i usually i have . it was a small and light one. (: i thought of my first impressions on my best friends that i love to death today. <3 haha . it's quite funny how different they really turned out to be! But i love that , how they proved me so wrong. (: For every one of them , i remember how i wanted to be friends with them, and now look! i have no problem starting a conversation with them , and telling them anything and everything!
First off , i'll start with Christianne. i remember seeing this girl for the first time in my math class. Always thought she was gorgeous, and that will never change . But because the girl never talked in that class , i thought she was really quiet, and shy, and boring. LOOOL . i know , mean right? i thought she was boring. And i also thought she was a goody to shoe, and very innocent. ( ; LOOOL . boy, did she prove me wrong! this girl is strong , and she's quite loud , and not even close to being innocent. ;D i think she's worse than me. LOL . OH! and she is DEFINITELY DEFINITELY not boring at all! i love it whenever i'm with her. <3 and i love how i'm able to call her my best friend , my wifey with benefits , & of course my life. (L)
Then there's Nicole. The first time i met her during lunch, i thought she was hard to talk to. I thought she was the type of girl who doesn't open up to anybody. LOL, once again i was wrong. I only became close with this girl back in March . It's only really been 3 months since we started talking to one another. But another one of my best friends that i love to death. <3 She's the complete opposite of what i had imagined of her. She's outgoing, fun, beautiful, and someone whom i can trust with my whole life. In short, this girl is amazing and is my life. <3
Alyssa , this gorgeous white chick. LOOOL . At first, i thought she was the type of girl you never EVER want to mess with. First impression, she looks like those super tough badass chick , who can rip your face apart. LMFAO. But this girl is hilarious, i love her & her dirty jokes! And the fact that this girl is into asian boys and music and everything , that's love! LOL . i remember when i didn't even know her , all i heard was a 'TAEYANG' from her , and that was how we started bonding. (; We started talking about his hot abs and his dancing and everything. LOOOL. oh, how taeyang can bring people together. <3 And now , i love how we're having bets on every little thing! LOOL. yet somehow, this girl keeps winning! ): one day, i shall beat her. >:] Alyssa Armogan , i love you with all my heart. <3
rachel tenorlaaaas , my little asian fraaaand. <3 I remember the first day of science class , i saw you on the other side of the room , and i thought to myself "i wanna be friends with that girl!" my first impression of you though? i thought you were hard to talk to as well! LOL , I thought it was impossible to be friends with you! but look at us now . <3 we're so close. :3 i havent really known you for a long time, maybe just a month? but i already know you're someone whom i want in my life forever because youre a best friend of mineeee. <3ilaveeeyouuuuu. ( LLLL )
&& Esther Ma ! isn't it surprising how i've only known you for a year ? yeah . shocking. look at us! we're best friends in such a short while. <3 I remember how you randomly added me on facebook, and we started talking about korean celebrities! LOL. i never even talked to you in person before, until credit course started! actually, i remember the first day of credit course, and i was calling your name, but you totally ignored me LOOOL . I thought you didnt like me. D; lmfaooo . but you proved me wrong.<3 i love how we do everything together, and how we talk to each other daily! And especially how we can tell each other everything, and even if we're mad at one another! its quite amazing. :3 but i hate how i can never get mad at you >.> LOL, i think its because YOURE CUTEEEE. ;D well esther ma , thankyou for being in my life and being such a great best friend. I LOVE YOU. <3
First off , i'll start with Christianne. i remember seeing this girl for the first time in my math class. Always thought she was gorgeous, and that will never change . But because the girl never talked in that class , i thought she was really quiet, and shy, and boring. LOOOL . i know , mean right? i thought she was boring. And i also thought she was a goody to shoe, and very innocent. ( ; LOOOL . boy, did she prove me wrong! this girl is strong , and she's quite loud , and not even close to being innocent. ;D i think she's worse than me. LOL . OH! and she is DEFINITELY DEFINITELY not boring at all! i love it whenever i'm with her. <3 and i love how i'm able to call her my best friend , my wifey with benefits , & of course my life. (L)
Then there's Nicole. The first time i met her during lunch, i thought she was hard to talk to. I thought she was the type of girl who doesn't open up to anybody. LOL, once again i was wrong. I only became close with this girl back in March . It's only really been 3 months since we started talking to one another. But another one of my best friends that i love to death. <3 She's the complete opposite of what i had imagined of her. She's outgoing, fun, beautiful, and someone whom i can trust with my whole life. In short, this girl is amazing and is my life. <3
Alyssa , this gorgeous white chick. LOOOL . At first, i thought she was the type of girl you never EVER want to mess with. First impression, she looks like those super tough badass chick , who can rip your face apart. LMFAO. But this girl is hilarious, i love her & her dirty jokes! And the fact that this girl is into asian boys and music and everything , that's love! LOL . i remember when i didn't even know her , all i heard was a 'TAEYANG' from her , and that was how we started bonding. (; We started talking about his hot abs and his dancing and everything. LOOOL. oh, how taeyang can bring people together. <3 And now , i love how we're having bets on every little thing! LOOL. yet somehow, this girl keeps winning! ): one day, i shall beat her. >:] Alyssa Armogan , i love you with all my heart. <3
rachel tenorlaaaas , my little asian fraaaand. <3 I remember the first day of science class , i saw you on the other side of the room , and i thought to myself "i wanna be friends with that girl!" my first impression of you though? i thought you were hard to talk to as well! LOL , I thought it was impossible to be friends with you! but look at us now . <3 we're so close. :3 i havent really known you for a long time, maybe just a month? but i already know you're someone whom i want in my life forever because youre a best friend of mineeee. <3ilaveeeyouuuuu. ( LLLL )
&& Esther Ma ! isn't it surprising how i've only known you for a year ? yeah . shocking. look at us! we're best friends in such a short while. <3 I remember how you randomly added me on facebook, and we started talking about korean celebrities! LOL. i never even talked to you in person before, until credit course started! actually, i remember the first day of credit course, and i was calling your name, but you totally ignored me LOOOL . I thought you didnt like me. D; lmfaooo . but you proved me wrong.<3 i love how we do everything together, and how we talk to each other daily! And especially how we can tell each other everything, and even if we're mad at one another! its quite amazing. :3 but i hate how i can never get mad at you >.> LOL, i think its because YOURE CUTEEEE. ;D well esther ma , thankyou for being in my life and being such a great best friend. I LOVE YOU. <3
Written on at 12:17 AM
best friend .
So, my best friend and i are talking on msn right now . And , she just completely made my day, night & my life. <3 We have some of the best conversations with each other ! ILOVEIT.
Esther says:
; - viviannlauradiep. (F) diep&gregorio love <3 says:
*thats disgusting .. like , hello kitty & justin bieber & jonas brothers disgusting. LOL
Esther says:
*i will never abandon u
; - viviannlauradiep. (F) diep&gregoriolove<3 says:
*i know. ;D
*thats why i used that.
Esther says:
; - viviannlauradiep. (F) diep&gregoriolove<3 says:
*AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
Esther says:
; - viviannlauradiep. (F) diep&gregorio love <3 says:
*thats disgusting .. like , hello kitty & justin bieber & jonas brothers disgusting. LOL
Esther says:
*i will never abandon u
; - viviannlauradiep. (F) diep&gregoriolove<3 says:
*i know. ;D
*thats why i used that.
Esther says:
; - viviannlauradiep. (F) diep&gregoriolove<3 says:
*AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
Written on May 27, 2010 at 9:57 PM
So, one of my best friends is soon gonna be hooked up? she's getting all the guys on her right now. haha , im happy for her. But for some reason, i feel like once she gets one of the guys, she's gonna abandon me. Maybe its because in the past, my best friend abandoned me for a guy. I know she's not the type of person though. Well, like what they say,'Expect the unexpected' . I guess I'll just have faith. :D
and for some reason , my rib cage is hurting alot right now .
Written on at 9:17 PM
new layout! (: took me 2 hours to find a layout i actually like and can code. :3
its past 2AM, and here i am still working on it. this is so confusing and tiring!
off to bed, goodnight. (:
its past 2AM, and here i am still working on it. this is so confusing and tiring!
off to bed, goodnight. (:
Written on at 2:07 AM
May 27, 2010
blog has been made! (:
Written on at 12:08 AM