random depression.

Yeah, so once again .. i'm depressed. Honestly, i hate this. I've been getting this alot lately. I wish it would just stop. I've had enough of depression.

First off , i know that i'm quite mean to people, saying their face is disgusting .. but you know i'm only joking. I've made 2 people ignore me today. It's kinda like wtf? to me , because they're always making fun of me. You don't see me ignoring them at all. Because i know they're joking, even when i dont like it. Plus, they're making fun of my culture thats the biggest piss off ever. As if back in elementary i didn't have enough of teasing, considering i was the only asian in my school , but to deal with it in high school as well? yeah, so much for thinking 'things are different now' . i should honestly be the one who's pissed. who the hell likes getting their own culture made fun of? Yeah they're joking , but its just overboard , and its rude. If i can handle them making fun of my culture , then you should be able to handle me making fun of your face. But honestly, if you're gonna ignore & be mad at me , go ahead. whatever , i'll do the same to you when you make fun of my culture again. It's only fair right?

And ,why is it that i'm always listening to this one song that reminds me of him ? i don't understand. Actually, i dont understand where i am right now. I know my feelings are gone, but for some reason , i can't help wanting to talk to him, and missing him .. i thought i moved on .. so much for that <_< I hear the song constantly wherever i go! i hear it on the radio, it gets played on my ipod .. and on my computer . i really need to stop . control your feelings viviann , control your feelings
Written on May 28, 2010 at 4:54 PM