the feelings i said i was gonna let go of, doesn't seem to be gone. I have no chance with you,i know and acknowledge that. But somehow whenever i see you, my mood gets brightened, and when i see you with another girl, my mood drops. It seems like talking about you to people is making the feelings i have for you grow more and more. I get turned off by the things i see you do, and thinking that those things will lead me to forget about you, is actually wrong. Somehow i don't think of all those negative things whenever i see or talk to you. Why must i like a guy of all years? why not grade 9 or 10 when i didn't have to work hard in my classes to prepare for university?! sigh, feelings suck :(
Written on November 23, 2011 at 5:31 PM
People Change
People change all the time. & Recently, i've noticed people have been changing. Not liking the change though. You know how people say, people change when they get a boyfriend and such? well yeah, that's how people are changing. Putting these boys first before their friends... Kinda hurts... no not kinda.. really hurts. I hate the feeling of being replaced. I hate how the people i put first in my life before myself doesn't do the same for me. Kinda feels like a one-sided friendship. And this is why i hate getting attached to people, trusting them, and putting them before myself. Now i remember why i have this gigantic wall around me. To protect me from everyone in this world, who says one thing but does another.
Written on at 5:28 PM
Aquinas Rant
The things people do these days are so immature & shallow. Like honestly, must you stoop that low to hurt someone? Does it make you feel any better about yourself after doing what you did? Have you ever thought of how that person will feel? Have you ever placed yourself in that person's shoes? Clearly no, because you decided to do the stupid things you did. Honestly, why do you create such big scenes in front of everybody, and especially on the internet?
Humans are the scariest things ever honestly. One day, people can be so nice to you, calling you 'best friend' and the next they just want you dead. But seriously, why ruin someone in front of everybody? If there is a problem, why not just handle it privately. Why get everybody involved bashing on one another? Completely stupid and immature and shallow.
Then there are people who have absolutely no respect for themselves and others. Don't go around saying you want others to respect you if you can't even respect yourself first. Clearly, you don't deserve that respect from other people. Why can't people just act their age instead of having to be all immature just to receive attention from other people. Like, people may find you funny the first two times, but after that, it just gets annoying. Know your position at school, don't go around trying to create a uncomfortable environment for the people around you, especially the ones who are trying to help you with your future.
Stupid people really bugs me. I hate everyone -.-
Humans are the scariest things ever honestly. One day, people can be so nice to you, calling you 'best friend' and the next they just want you dead. But seriously, why ruin someone in front of everybody? If there is a problem, why not just handle it privately. Why get everybody involved bashing on one another? Completely stupid and immature and shallow.
Then there are people who have absolutely no respect for themselves and others. Don't go around saying you want others to respect you if you can't even respect yourself first. Clearly, you don't deserve that respect from other people. Why can't people just act their age instead of having to be all immature just to receive attention from other people. Like, people may find you funny the first two times, but after that, it just gets annoying. Know your position at school, don't go around trying to create a uncomfortable environment for the people around you, especially the ones who are trying to help you with your future.
Stupid people really bugs me. I hate everyone -.-
Written on November 19, 2011 at 10:40 PM
I hate when people think i'm stupid. Just because i don't get one subject in school does not mean i'm stupid. It just means i have a harder time understanding and it takes me a bit longer to learn. We are not the same people, you have your weakness and i have mine. You don't know me, so don't go judging me like you do. I could probably get the same high mark as you if i tried really hard. Not understanding something doesn't make a person stupid. Get it right.
Written on November 15, 2011 at 7:37 PM

Yonghwa did an amazing job acting in this, especially since it's his first time as a lead role! I fell in love with him all over again after watching him in this. His voice, & his looks & the way he plays guitar... SO BEAUTIFUL. hehe, major obsession over him right now <3 He's so amazing! & even though it's just a drama, the things he does is suuuuuh sweet <3 i want a boyfriend like him! You can really see the drastic change in him throughout the drama. Of course, for the better :)
Park Shin Hye as always, is an amazing actress! She's so pretty & cute :) She has such a sweet voice when she sings :) & i love her character in this! She never gives up despite all the obstacles & insults she's always receiving. She follows her dreams even though her grandfather whom she lives with objects. The only thing i disliked about her character was the fact that she always got taken advantage of because of her nice personality. Even till the very end, she never stood up for herself.
Minhyuk is soooo adorable! haha, in every drama or movie he's in, he's always playing the dumb & witty type. but he's suuuuuh cayute! he's so good looking when he's up on stage playing the drums, & so sweet towards the girl he likes! :) & even though the girl he likes always pushes him away, he still doesn't give up :)
The one thing that somewhat killed the drama were the awkward kiss scenes x___x" like, yonghwa & shin hye are a couple, they kiss... but their eyes are open -__-" NO, they're suppose to be closed! blah, totally killed it. wish the kiss scenes were more nice & not awkward. but whateves, absolutely adore this drama! totally recommended for someone who wants a cute and funny drama to watch :)
Written on November 8, 2011 at 10:06 PM
Convincing myself to give up on you. You're not the person i thought you were, and i don't want to like someone who don't have the same morals and values as me. I don't know what is going through your head, but from what i see, it's nothing to be impressed about. When the time is right, i know i'll find someone that is good. I rushed with my feelings, & it's time for me to rethink everything. You're not what's important to me right now, i have better things to focus on.
Written on November 7, 2011 at 9:41 PM

omgosh, im happy & upset at the same time! upset because the MTVEMA's were just on for replays, and i watched the whole show waiting for big bang to come on & they never ended showing up on my tv screen! I was so ready to take a pic of them on my tv screen and everything, but nope ): i never saw them & it makes me soooo sad! i only saw them in the background sitting ): I missed only 20 minutes of the show & that made me miss the chance of seeing them! hmph hmph hmph D:< worldwide act award should be at the very end , not in the beginning! geez T_T
But i am super duper happy for them! they are the very first asian artists to ever win at any of these international awards & especially for worldwide act when everyone thought it would be britney spears! Also the fact all 5 of them were on stage together all smiling and everything <3 It's been forever since i saw all 5 of them together, & daesung's smile is so precious after everything he's been through. They overcame all obstacles that they came across this year especially when there were rumours that they were gonna disband. I'm super duper glad they made it through & won such an amazing award! they really deserve it & now, big bang & kpop are gonna be known even more now! I can't be more proud of these boys & VIPs are forever gonna stand by your sides <3
Written on November 6, 2011 at 10:17 PM
it's official, every thing that i've been holding on to, all the painful memories from the past, i'm officially letting go and starting anew. It's time for me to break down the barrier i built around me. It's time for me to understand that just because i got hurt real bad in the past from people, doesn't mean that everybody is the same. There are people who care and love me. There are people i need to reach out to in the world, and i can't do that if all that's in my mind is, ' don't open up to people or they'll hurt you' i need to give people chances, learn to trust people again. I need to erase everything from my mind so that it will not pull me back from people anymore. I deserve to meet new people, to experience what trust and love is again. It's time to step forward and not backwards. In with the new, out with the old.
Written on at 6:53 PM