Staff Lunch
So, today i spent my third period & my lunch as well in the staff room. When i got to class for third period, Not even long after i sat down, Gioia was running everywhere panicking about i dont know what. Then he picked me renelle sam & carlos to follow him somewhere. He didn't even say where, & told us to bring our stuff & follow him. So i was just like, kay... :\ I wasn't down to do whatever it was he wanted us to do without knowing what it was first. But i still got up, packed my stuff & followed him. He then gave us aprons & went into the caf.. i thought we had to like.. help the caf ladies or something. But, i realized he went through the caf as a shortcut. We reached the staff room & i thought, ARE WE MAKING SOMETHING IN THERE? LOL. i made so many assumptions in my head haha. We entered the staff room, & saw two police, a VP, & just some other teachers. I was like... WHAAAT? haha. But then Gioia told us we were gonna be serving the staff today because every friday they have a staff lunch. So renelle & i were in charge of giving them lasagna while sam & carlos were in charge of giving them veggie soup. Honestly, i got so hungry just serving the lasagna. It was such a temptation. LOL the fact that i couldn't even eat & had to serve teachers lasagna considering lasagna is my favourite food EVER, such a tease. HAHA. I had a really difficult time picking up the lasagna without ruining the layers -__-" but i managed to do well in serving them, (; HAHA. I was so happy when Gioia said that we could have a piece of lasagna for helping with the staff lunch :'D omgosh, when i ate the lasagna... I WAS IN HEAVEN. IT WAS SO AMAZING! there was soooooo much cheese in every single bite, it's amazing! LOL. i basically devoured the lasagna in less than 5 minutes! Rachel's class did such an amazing job with it! I can't wait until my class gets to make it, <3 HEHEHEHE.
On a side note, did my chem quiz today, & i think i did pretty good! YAY! :D
On a side note, did my chem quiz today, & i think i did pretty good! YAY! :D
Written on September 30, 2011 at 7:16 PM
Grade 9 Retreat
Today was a pretty good day, :) I was a leader for the grade 9 retreat today, :)I was in a group with Chris, Sasha, Juan & Monique! & We were with Garisto's class! haha, i love these niners <3 didn't get to bond with everyone in the class, but i have my favourites who i like to talk to :$ haha. I got my girl jeannine whose so cute & cool! haha. also cause she's Jumba-G's sister LOL. OHANA! I honestly didn't even recognize her until Juan told me today omgosh. gave me more of a reason to talk to her LOLOL. Then there's Vlad whose so funny! LOL and he's so cute too ROFLROFL.The way he does things is so funny it's cute! LOL. Sasha Chris & I couldn't stop laughing and spazzing LOLOL. Then there's Ivan!hahahaha omgosh i love that kid <3 He's marjorie's cousin & a good friend of benson's :3 the kid is so hilarious, cute & very amazing at bboy! He bboyed today at the retreat! I missed it though cause everyone had already crowded around :( but i saw him afterwards when he came up to me and he was sweating like crazy! LOL the poor kid! I love joking around with him! I don't have to be all formal and polite around him like i am with the others which i love :) i feel like i've known him for a while now, & that i always bullied him ROFLROFL.
The workshops were aiight, :\ they weren't the greatest. The first workshop was communications, & the leaders had to act out a scenario but we didn't even get to do that cause there wasn't enough time, :\. Then we had a games workshop which i thought was soooo dumb! We played a game called 'fruit salad' which was the EXACT same gay as switch, a game we had to play in the grade 9 homerooms before going on the retreat! like... couldn't they have come up with a better game that wouldn't get these kids bored to death?! Faith talk workshop was aiight. Nelly shared her testimony & i found out today that she started this Christian Fellowship type of thing. so imma join that! YAYAY! :) Then we played more games with student council which was quite fun, (: & then the last workshop we had was the step team dance -___-" omgosh, literally pissed me off so much for the half hour i was in there... LIKE... the students and the teacher in charge of the step team were sooooo rude! They tell us to shut up but then yell at us for not saying the chant while doing the step routine.. like, hello?! you just told us to shut up.. what do you want with us?! I was so ready to punch them in the face. Like, you can't just go around forcing people to do your lame and stupid routine if they don't want to. And they're just grade 9's like... obviously they're gonna talk! The retreat was suppose to be a fun thing for them! Gosh, so very rude.
OMGOSH THE HIGHLIGHT OF MY DAY! HAHAHAHA. IVAN AND JULIE ARE OFFICIALLY TOGETHER! as to why i'm so happy about it, i have no idea considering i just met Julie today, & i only met Ivan like.. twice. LOL. BUT STILL THEY'RE SO CUTE TOGETHER! I made up a couple name for them :'D JIVAN! ROFLROFL. i told Ivan that when i see him in the halls, i'm gonna shout JIVAN! ROFLROFLROFL. dkm! I'm so happy for him cause it's so obvious how much they like each other! <3 & he asked her out today after school when we came back from the retreat :'D I feel so happy cause i told him to go for it & ask her out, & he did! :'D he listened & took my advice <333 AWWWW ! :'D HAHAHA. suuuuh very cayuteeee!
& there was a dj from Z103.5 at the retreat today & OMGOSH HE WAS SO CUTE! Allie Chris & i were just spazzing to each other HAHAHA. he's so cute & it's just a bonus that he djs OMGOSH, LOOOOOL. suh many cute moments today <3333 HAHAHAHA.
The workshops were aiight, :\ they weren't the greatest. The first workshop was communications, & the leaders had to act out a scenario but we didn't even get to do that cause there wasn't enough time, :\. Then we had a games workshop which i thought was soooo dumb! We played a game called 'fruit salad' which was the EXACT same gay as switch, a game we had to play in the grade 9 homerooms before going on the retreat! like... couldn't they have come up with a better game that wouldn't get these kids bored to death?! Faith talk workshop was aiight. Nelly shared her testimony & i found out today that she started this Christian Fellowship type of thing. so imma join that! YAYAY! :) Then we played more games with student council which was quite fun, (: & then the last workshop we had was the step team dance -___-" omgosh, literally pissed me off so much for the half hour i was in there... LIKE... the students and the teacher in charge of the step team were sooooo rude! They tell us to shut up but then yell at us for not saying the chant while doing the step routine.. like, hello?! you just told us to shut up.. what do you want with us?! I was so ready to punch them in the face. Like, you can't just go around forcing people to do your lame and stupid routine if they don't want to. And they're just grade 9's like... obviously they're gonna talk! The retreat was suppose to be a fun thing for them! Gosh, so very rude.
OMGOSH THE HIGHLIGHT OF MY DAY! HAHAHAHA. IVAN AND JULIE ARE OFFICIALLY TOGETHER! as to why i'm so happy about it, i have no idea considering i just met Julie today, & i only met Ivan like.. twice. LOL. BUT STILL THEY'RE SO CUTE TOGETHER! I made up a couple name for them :'D JIVAN! ROFLROFL. i told Ivan that when i see him in the halls, i'm gonna shout JIVAN! ROFLROFLROFL. dkm! I'm so happy for him cause it's so obvious how much they like each other! <3 & he asked her out today after school when we came back from the retreat :'D I feel so happy cause i told him to go for it & ask her out, & he did! :'D he listened & took my advice <333 AWWWW ! :'D HAHAHA. suuuuh very cayuteeee!
& there was a dj from Z103.5 at the retreat today & OMGOSH HE WAS SO CUTE! Allie Chris & i were just spazzing to each other HAHAHA. he's so cute & it's just a bonus that he djs OMGOSH, LOOOOOL. suh many cute moments today <3333 HAHAHAHA.
Written on September 27, 2011 at 6:41 PM

Gonna continue to keep the faith & hope to the end <3
Written on September 24, 2011 at 5:23 PM
Sushi 168
Blogspot, today was such a gloomy day especially with all the rain! :( But that's okay, cause i had a pretty good day today! :D yayayayay. Today was Terry Fox at school, and obviously i didn't go, & i'm glad i didnt. Walking in the rain is NOT fun. So i woke up at 8:30 today, got ready & went to Chris' at around 9 :)We just chilled in her room, doing random stuff,LOL. Then we went downstairs for breakfast, had instant noodles with Rachel right in the morning.. LOL #fatstatus. whateves yo, ain't even mad. Chris was dying of laughter cause rachel & my glasses were fogged up because of the steam rising from the instant noodles! LOOOOL dkm! we literally laughed for a good 10 minutes! HAHA, we're gonna go eat pho one day & see how badly our glasses get fogged up. LOLOL. Then we just went back upstairs & chilled in her room some more. Look at cokes sleeping, <3 she's suuhhhh cayuteee!

ahh,why so cute coco? <3 HEHEHE.
At 12, we went to Sushi 168 to meet up with the other asians + amelia. LOL hahah. There was 8 of us & we reserved a booth, LOL. Rach Chris & i entered & the waiters automatically knew we were with the other asians & directed us to the booth, LOL. I couldn't believe how little the kat allie & them ordered! omgosh, we came right in time! Chris & i just took over the ordering sheet & we ordered so much food! <3 OMNOMNOMNOM. That's how it's done with us 8)The one thing i hated about this time's visit was that the food came SOOOOOO slow! like, omgosh. Usually it comes non stop one after the other.. but once we finished a dish, & we finished digesting.. THEN another plate of food comes -__-" i didn't like that. But look at this yumminess!

oh man, it was sooooo delicious. <3 haha we used up like... 3 order sheets cause we were never full every time one of the order sheets were completed, LOL. The waitresses were giving us cut eye & everything. I guess cause we ordered so much food, & we just kept on ordering & also cause we were loud.. :\ but whateves yo. When we left, they talked about us in mandarin ugh >.> I should've told them, 'I UNDERSTAND' LOL. oh well, & here's our group pictures, <3

LOL at Chris' face in the bottom right picture! hahaha. Melz & i didn't even get to be in one group picture together because we were the photographers,BLAH. But i realized that i am soooo very shameless when i'm around these people, HAHA. I make the ugliest faces & they see the ugly side of me every single day at school <3 ROFL. They see it so much they start getting embarrassed to even hang out with me LOL jks. :) But yeah, im extremely shameless around them it's kinda funny, (: But i love how i'm able to be myself around these people! i love them :) <3

ahh,why so cute coco? <3 HEHEHE.
At 12, we went to Sushi 168 to meet up with the other asians + amelia. LOL hahah. There was 8 of us & we reserved a booth, LOL. Rach Chris & i entered & the waiters automatically knew we were with the other asians & directed us to the booth, LOL. I couldn't believe how little the kat allie & them ordered! omgosh, we came right in time! Chris & i just took over the ordering sheet & we ordered so much food! <3 OMNOMNOMNOM. That's how it's done with us 8)The one thing i hated about this time's visit was that the food came SOOOOOO slow! like, omgosh. Usually it comes non stop one after the other.. but once we finished a dish, & we finished digesting.. THEN another plate of food comes -__-" i didn't like that. But look at this yumminess!

oh man, it was sooooo delicious. <3 haha we used up like... 3 order sheets cause we were never full every time one of the order sheets were completed, LOL. The waitresses were giving us cut eye & everything. I guess cause we ordered so much food, & we just kept on ordering & also cause we were loud.. :\ but whateves yo. When we left, they talked about us in mandarin ugh >.> I should've told them, 'I UNDERSTAND' LOL. oh well, & here's our group pictures, <3

LOL at Chris' face in the bottom right picture! hahaha. Melz & i didn't even get to be in one group picture together because we were the photographers,BLAH. But i realized that i am soooo very shameless when i'm around these people, HAHA. I make the ugliest faces & they see the ugly side of me every single day at school <3 ROFL. They see it so much they start getting embarrassed to even hang out with me LOL jks. :) But yeah, im extremely shameless around them it's kinda funny, (: But i love how i'm able to be myself around these people! i love them :) <3
Written on September 23, 2011 at 7:03 PM
when you assume, you make an ass out of you & me.
Written on September 22, 2011 at 10:00 PM
i really hate having to hide my secrets away from my best friends. I feel like they should know just as much as i know their secrets.. but, something's just telling me i can't tell them, & that i shouldn't. But then every time i'm with them alone, i just really really want to.. but then at the last second i back out. I feel bad since they tell me completely everything and here i am keeping things to myself. But with all the recent things that i did, i'm way too embarrassed to even say anything. Maybe when the time is right, i will then let them know.
Written on September 20, 2011 at 6:44 PM
worst monday
wowowowowow, i must say today was the worst monday of life. Honestly, i don't think i ever hated school as much as today. And i know it's not gonna get any better! I have no problem with my schedule, i'm fine with the subject each class is teaching.. i just cannot stand the people and teacher in my classes! I'm absolutely ready to punch someone out.
I didn't even have chem class today cause i was volunteering for picture day, but the students i had to help were really cheesing me -___-" Can't believe just how rude some niners are, & especially the ESL students. They're VERY rude. Not our fault your name wasn't on the list, like, don't give me attitude. geez. & i got a stupid papercut cause stupid mcquire wouldn't let us take off the elastics from the name tag thingys... LIKE, how am i suppose to find the name tag for the students without taking the elastic off?! ugh. horrible start to the morning.
Anthro was aiight. Just some girls are so stupid & rude. Like, shut up if you don't want to pay attention to a presentation, geez. at least have some respect for other people who are presenting and stuff.
i use to love hospitality... but i hate it now. Definitely and totally hate the people in my class.. i hate where i sit. WHY do i have to sit with a bunch of guys who are so annoying immature and disgusting?! Some guy spits on me every time you talk.. this other guy only knows how to insult chinese people, like shutup. Chinese people are not dumb.. you are. Chinese people are way smarter than you'll ever be, that's why everything is made in china you stupid butt head. Like, if you knew i was chinese, you wouldn't even have said half the things you said, cause you know i could beat your butt anyday. Don't care if you're in grade 12, stupid racist jokes piss me off. I'm sure you even notice the death glares i gave you today. & the girls in my class are just so loud and annoying -___-" gosh, someone just shoot me while i'm in that class.
And photography... i hate that class too. The girl beside is really annoying, i can't stand it. The teacher is practically blind since whenever i call for help, he fully doesn't hear or see me, and just ignores me and helps other people. I get so annoyed cause i have to have my hand up for the full period before he sees me. I hate sitting at the very back without a desk. I better get a desk, or i'll be really upset.
Then after school i go to guidance to change my schedule... seriously was hoping i could have changed my schedule so that i could get out of my ugly chemistry and hospitality classes. But noooo, stupid guidance said he can't switch me out of chemistry because saying you don't understand what the teacher is teaching is not a valid reason. ARE YOU DUMB -___-" I'm failing in that class already & it's only been 2 weeks into school.. like, SERIOUSLY? There is a chemistry class 4th period, but then that overlaps my photography class.. and then i gotta find another course to fill 1st period & apparently all 1st period classes are already filled -__-" and it's not possible for me to have a spare in grade 11. UGH. LEGIT. today was not a good day, nothing went right as i hoped for. & now, im stuck in all these classes that i hate. I don't even want to learn anything in these classes cause of the people i'm surrounded by & whatnot.
Just grateful towards kathreena & chris for telling me about after school science tutors, & that we're gonna have a science sessions after school on some days. <3 & i love mark for just giving me a comforting hug today after school at our lockers. :) <3 Love that brown dude so much! He can be an idiot at times, but i love him with all my heart <3 nicest & coolest brown kid i ever met <33
I didn't even have chem class today cause i was volunteering for picture day, but the students i had to help were really cheesing me -___-" Can't believe just how rude some niners are, & especially the ESL students. They're VERY rude. Not our fault your name wasn't on the list, like, don't give me attitude. geez. & i got a stupid papercut cause stupid mcquire wouldn't let us take off the elastics from the name tag thingys... LIKE, how am i suppose to find the name tag for the students without taking the elastic off?! ugh. horrible start to the morning.
Anthro was aiight. Just some girls are so stupid & rude. Like, shut up if you don't want to pay attention to a presentation, geez. at least have some respect for other people who are presenting and stuff.
i use to love hospitality... but i hate it now. Definitely and totally hate the people in my class.. i hate where i sit. WHY do i have to sit with a bunch of guys who are so annoying immature and disgusting?! Some guy spits on me every time you talk.. this other guy only knows how to insult chinese people, like shutup. Chinese people are not dumb.. you are. Chinese people are way smarter than you'll ever be, that's why everything is made in china you stupid butt head. Like, if you knew i was chinese, you wouldn't even have said half the things you said, cause you know i could beat your butt anyday. Don't care if you're in grade 12, stupid racist jokes piss me off. I'm sure you even notice the death glares i gave you today. & the girls in my class are just so loud and annoying -___-" gosh, someone just shoot me while i'm in that class.
And photography... i hate that class too. The girl beside is really annoying, i can't stand it. The teacher is practically blind since whenever i call for help, he fully doesn't hear or see me, and just ignores me and helps other people. I get so annoyed cause i have to have my hand up for the full period before he sees me. I hate sitting at the very back without a desk. I better get a desk, or i'll be really upset.
Then after school i go to guidance to change my schedule... seriously was hoping i could have changed my schedule so that i could get out of my ugly chemistry and hospitality classes. But noooo, stupid guidance said he can't switch me out of chemistry because saying you don't understand what the teacher is teaching is not a valid reason. ARE YOU DUMB -___-" I'm failing in that class already & it's only been 2 weeks into school.. like, SERIOUSLY? There is a chemistry class 4th period, but then that overlaps my photography class.. and then i gotta find another course to fill 1st period & apparently all 1st period classes are already filled -__-" and it's not possible for me to have a spare in grade 11. UGH. LEGIT. today was not a good day, nothing went right as i hoped for. & now, im stuck in all these classes that i hate. I don't even want to learn anything in these classes cause of the people i'm surrounded by & whatnot.
Just grateful towards kathreena & chris for telling me about after school science tutors, & that we're gonna have a science sessions after school on some days. <3 & i love mark for just giving me a comforting hug today after school at our lockers. :) <3 Love that brown dude so much! He can be an idiot at times, but i love him with all my heart <3 nicest & coolest brown kid i ever met <33
Written on September 19, 2011 at 4:09 PM
PD Day
A day late cause i came home late last night & i fell asleep, LOL. Yesterday was PD Day! :) omgosh, so happy i had no school <3 But, that's the only PD Day of the year, :( so sad. But i made that PD Day worth it! :D yayayay.
So i woke up at 8:15AM yesterday -___-" omgosh, Y SO EARLY?! I had to get my health card renewed -___-" ugh. I was so not down to wake up and go that early especially since it was my day off from school! But i had to... :\ So i got my things ready, & my dad drove me to get it done. I get there & registered and whatnot, and the receptionist told me i brought an outdated version of my report card & that i can't renew my health card with that report card... -___-" are you serious bro?! They never said i needed the most recent report card, they just said to bring something that had my address on it SIGH. so my dad had to drive ALL the way back to our house so that i could get the most recent report card & then drive ALL THE WAY BACK -___-" HAHA, it was awkward cause i saw Gavin Walker there. LOL, we looked at each other & we were just like, 'WHAT?' LOL. whateves yo, we just did our own thing. When they finally took my picture, they told me my eyes were closed... LOL i laughed silently to myself remembering what Kat was telling me, 'IF THEY TELL YOU YOUR EYES ARE CLOSED, TELL THEM YOU'RE ASIAN' LMFAOOO. I didn't really say that to them though, i just let them retake it, HAHA.
After my health card renewal i went straight to Chris' house to chill with her & Rachel, <3 We're honestly so crazy... it's a PD day yet we still chill with one another, we can't seem to get enough of each other, HAHA. But chilling with them yesterday made it seem like it was still summer! Anyways, as soon as i enter the house, i screamed ' GIMME FOOD IM HUNGRY' ROFLROFL. & they're all like, 'YOU DONT EVEN SAY HI TO US, SO WE SAVED YOU NO FOOD' BWAHAHHA, what lies. (; Of course they saved me food. <3 I forgot what kind of meat we had, but boy it was DELICIOUS. <3 i lvoe filipino food :) <3 HEHEHE. & Chris fried me an egg, <3 SHE KNOWS WHAT I LOVE! she made me a sunny side up, & the yolk bursted in my mouth, OMGOSH SO GOOOOD. Then we just went into Chris' room and chilled, & talked & went on the computer. We are honestly such freaks, WHO HAS FUN WITH GOOGLE TRANSLATOR?! LOL, we do. ;) Chris tested me on my chinese & tested rachel & i on our korean ;D AYEEE. of course i beat rachel with the korean, (; LOL. Then we ate again... LOL. it was lunch time (; the first time i ate was breakfast! HAHA. We had spam & rice! & then we had cinnabuns <3 DROOLS. soooo delicious. <3 then after, i just watched Chris & Rachel practice their instruments for senior band auditions :) Then we just took pictures with my phone, HAHA.

My dad came to pick me up with Benson at around 4 & we headed down to vaughan mills to meet up with my mom & aunt for dinner :) We got there early, & since we don't eat until 7, we decided to shop for abit. I was with my mom & aunt, & i followed them into Laura, since they adore that shop. I helped find clothes for them to try on & whatnot. haha, we spent an hour & a half in that store -___-" Benson, my dad & uncle william were just chilling outside of the store bored. LOL, felt bad for them! But, that's what they get go shopping with ladies. HAHA. I was getting bored waiting for my mom to come out of the fitting room, so i took a picture of myself.

Then my mom came out & i took a picture with her in the fitting room LOOOL.

WE SO CAYUTE RIGHT?! LOL. like mother like daughter, (; But yeah, after they finally finished shopping in that store, we went for dinner! We ate at some high fancy chinese restaurant inside the store. x_x" The food was aiight, it was so pricey though omgosh. I could eat the same chinese food at home & it would taste good! sigh. waste of moneyyy, not cute. We ate until the mall closed at 9, & then after we just picked up my sister from church. overall, a day well spent :) YAY!
So i woke up at 8:15AM yesterday -___-" omgosh, Y SO EARLY?! I had to get my health card renewed -___-" ugh. I was so not down to wake up and go that early especially since it was my day off from school! But i had to... :\ So i got my things ready, & my dad drove me to get it done. I get there & registered and whatnot, and the receptionist told me i brought an outdated version of my report card & that i can't renew my health card with that report card... -___-" are you serious bro?! They never said i needed the most recent report card, they just said to bring something that had my address on it SIGH. so my dad had to drive ALL the way back to our house so that i could get the most recent report card & then drive ALL THE WAY BACK -___-" HAHA, it was awkward cause i saw Gavin Walker there. LOL, we looked at each other & we were just like, 'WHAT?' LOL. whateves yo, we just did our own thing. When they finally took my picture, they told me my eyes were closed... LOL i laughed silently to myself remembering what Kat was telling me, 'IF THEY TELL YOU YOUR EYES ARE CLOSED, TELL THEM YOU'RE ASIAN' LMFAOOO. I didn't really say that to them though, i just let them retake it, HAHA.
After my health card renewal i went straight to Chris' house to chill with her & Rachel, <3 We're honestly so crazy... it's a PD day yet we still chill with one another, we can't seem to get enough of each other, HAHA. But chilling with them yesterday made it seem like it was still summer! Anyways, as soon as i enter the house, i screamed ' GIMME FOOD IM HUNGRY' ROFLROFL. & they're all like, 'YOU DONT EVEN SAY HI TO US, SO WE SAVED YOU NO FOOD' BWAHAHHA, what lies. (; Of course they saved me food. <3 I forgot what kind of meat we had, but boy it was DELICIOUS. <3 i lvoe filipino food :) <3 HEHEHE. & Chris fried me an egg, <3 SHE KNOWS WHAT I LOVE! she made me a sunny side up, & the yolk bursted in my mouth, OMGOSH SO GOOOOD. Then we just went into Chris' room and chilled, & talked & went on the computer. We are honestly such freaks, WHO HAS FUN WITH GOOGLE TRANSLATOR?! LOL, we do. ;) Chris tested me on my chinese & tested rachel & i on our korean ;D AYEEE. of course i beat rachel with the korean, (; LOL. Then we ate again... LOL. it was lunch time (; the first time i ate was breakfast! HAHA. We had spam & rice! & then we had cinnabuns <3 DROOLS. soooo delicious. <3 then after, i just watched Chris & Rachel practice their instruments for senior band auditions :) Then we just took pictures with my phone, HAHA.

My dad came to pick me up with Benson at around 4 & we headed down to vaughan mills to meet up with my mom & aunt for dinner :) We got there early, & since we don't eat until 7, we decided to shop for abit. I was with my mom & aunt, & i followed them into Laura, since they adore that shop. I helped find clothes for them to try on & whatnot. haha, we spent an hour & a half in that store -___-" Benson, my dad & uncle william were just chilling outside of the store bored. LOL, felt bad for them! But, that's what they get go shopping with ladies. HAHA. I was getting bored waiting for my mom to come out of the fitting room, so i took a picture of myself.

Then my mom came out & i took a picture with her in the fitting room LOOOL.

WE SO CAYUTE RIGHT?! LOL. like mother like daughter, (; But yeah, after they finally finished shopping in that store, we went for dinner! We ate at some high fancy chinese restaurant inside the store. x_x" The food was aiight, it was so pricey though omgosh. I could eat the same chinese food at home & it would taste good! sigh. waste of moneyyy, not cute. We ate until the mall closed at 9, & then after we just picked up my sister from church. overall, a day well spent :) YAY!
Written on September 17, 2011 at 3:22 PM
Smoking & BBQ.
whaddup blogspot? i have this thing for blogging again LOL.
So, today was.. an interesting day i'll say. Once again, chem was just brutal. The math skills quiz we did 2 days ago.. i got my mark back for it.. and boy, was i cheesed when i saw my mark. I've never done so bad on a test before.. even in science! I can't believe i got 2.5/17 on a test... that was 15%... SERIOUSLY, after i saw my mark, i just blew up. Stupid Augustine was all like, 'BRO, you got no math skills' & i'm like, 'BRO, I DONT UNDERSTAND A THING YOU TEACH.' like, you don't know me. My math skills aren't the greatest, but they aren't bad either. I know my decimal places, i know how to do scientific notation.. but the way you explain things... oh wait, YOU DONT EXPLAIN THINGS AT ALL. yeah.. i just dont understand the things he says. All he does is blink at you 4 times consistently when he talks, & when he asks a question and no one answers, he looks at you like you're the biggest retard of life. LIKE SERIOUSLY BRO? That was a horrible start to my morning... i think i'm gonna talk to my guidance counsellor on monday to see if i can switch chem to third period. I love my schedule, & how everything just works out perfectly! There's hospitality class first period, & chemistry third period.. & on my schedule, those classes are just vise versa! LOVE IT. & if i am able to switch, i'll be in two of rachel's classes :D YAY! I honestly cannot be in Augustine's class anymore.. i will literally fail & not get into university, and i am NOT risking that. I'm seriously grateful towards Chris, Brandon & Josh for offering to tutor me though. <3 They're such sweethearts, love them so much! & even rachel for telling me if i don't get anything, she can teach me it. <3 I love surrounding myself around them, they honestly have such a positive impact on my life,for me to strive to become better. <3 LOVE THEM.
HAHA, in anthro today i got my phone taken away LOLL. i aint even mad doe. My teacher was talking about sex & josh & i were texting each other and he sits across from me. LOL we're so lame. x) & i was texting him back & i got caught by the teacher LOL. whateves bro, i don't even care. Josh is so cute for saying sorry even though it wasn't his fault. LOL <3 Did nothing in anthro though :') Just we gotta research some old people, but that's whateves. Simple stuff.
In hospitality today, we went outside to the bbq that was taking place for class. ;) LOL. swag. Again, did nothing in that class haha. Lunch came around, & we went outside to the bleachers to sit and talk & eat. hehe. It was honestly this whole crowd of asians... ROFL. Some extremely awkward & embarrassing thing happened to me.. which i won't expose to anyone. It's just gonna be kept a secret between us asians. LOL, they're never letting it go though. :( SIGH. always happens to me :( I got whip cream in my hair when i wasnt even intending to get whip cream thrown at my face, :( I was just standing at the side with the asians watching the whip cream throwing contest, & some guy threw it and it splattered and it got all over my face & hair.. SO GROSS. My hair is all sticky, & so is my face.. :\ yuckkkk. I was only gonna let kat throw it since she wanted to, & i'm part of student council >.> but she never even did it anyways, yet i still got whip cream all over me >.> SIGH.
The one thing that disappointed me the most, was probably when one of my best friends asked me to get high with them.... I told her that i love her & all, but i have my own morals and values.. and i'm sticking to them. Like, she knows me well. I never smoked or drink before.. and that's never gonna change. I don't understand at all WHY she would even bother asking me that question. What i hated even more was the fact that she didn't even stop it at that, but she asked me if i knew any drug sellers... i screamed at her saying ' WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME THIS?! IM NOT EVEN A DRUGIE'. I really would've appreciated that she would just change the topic after asking me if i wanted to get high with her... but just the fact she kept pushing at it, REALLLY pissed me off. Never ever will i ever do those disgusting things. And everyone knows that. The only thing i will ever do that's horrible is skip class, THATS IT. nothing more than that. UGH, cheese me.
That is all for today blogspot, :) I get to see my loves Christianne & Rachel tomorrow since we don't have school! <3 & then after i'm going down to Vaughan mills with my family. <3 YAYAYAY! fun friday :) so excited!
So, today was.. an interesting day i'll say. Once again, chem was just brutal. The math skills quiz we did 2 days ago.. i got my mark back for it.. and boy, was i cheesed when i saw my mark. I've never done so bad on a test before.. even in science! I can't believe i got 2.5/17 on a test... that was 15%... SERIOUSLY, after i saw my mark, i just blew up. Stupid Augustine was all like, 'BRO, you got no math skills' & i'm like, 'BRO, I DONT UNDERSTAND A THING YOU TEACH.' like, you don't know me. My math skills aren't the greatest, but they aren't bad either. I know my decimal places, i know how to do scientific notation.. but the way you explain things... oh wait, YOU DONT EXPLAIN THINGS AT ALL. yeah.. i just dont understand the things he says. All he does is blink at you 4 times consistently when he talks, & when he asks a question and no one answers, he looks at you like you're the biggest retard of life. LIKE SERIOUSLY BRO? That was a horrible start to my morning... i think i'm gonna talk to my guidance counsellor on monday to see if i can switch chem to third period. I love my schedule, & how everything just works out perfectly! There's hospitality class first period, & chemistry third period.. & on my schedule, those classes are just vise versa! LOVE IT. & if i am able to switch, i'll be in two of rachel's classes :D YAY! I honestly cannot be in Augustine's class anymore.. i will literally fail & not get into university, and i am NOT risking that. I'm seriously grateful towards Chris, Brandon & Josh for offering to tutor me though. <3 They're such sweethearts, love them so much! & even rachel for telling me if i don't get anything, she can teach me it. <3 I love surrounding myself around them, they honestly have such a positive impact on my life,for me to strive to become better. <3 LOVE THEM.
HAHA, in anthro today i got my phone taken away LOLL. i aint even mad doe. My teacher was talking about sex & josh & i were texting each other and he sits across from me. LOL we're so lame. x) & i was texting him back & i got caught by the teacher LOL. whateves bro, i don't even care. Josh is so cute for saying sorry even though it wasn't his fault. LOL <3 Did nothing in anthro though :') Just we gotta research some old people, but that's whateves. Simple stuff.
In hospitality today, we went outside to the bbq that was taking place for class. ;) LOL. swag. Again, did nothing in that class haha. Lunch came around, & we went outside to the bleachers to sit and talk & eat. hehe. It was honestly this whole crowd of asians... ROFL. Some extremely awkward & embarrassing thing happened to me.. which i won't expose to anyone. It's just gonna be kept a secret between us asians. LOL, they're never letting it go though. :( SIGH. always happens to me :( I got whip cream in my hair when i wasnt even intending to get whip cream thrown at my face, :( I was just standing at the side with the asians watching the whip cream throwing contest, & some guy threw it and it splattered and it got all over my face & hair.. SO GROSS. My hair is all sticky, & so is my face.. :\ yuckkkk. I was only gonna let kat throw it since she wanted to, & i'm part of student council >.> but she never even did it anyways, yet i still got whip cream all over me >.> SIGH.
The one thing that disappointed me the most, was probably when one of my best friends asked me to get high with them.... I told her that i love her & all, but i have my own morals and values.. and i'm sticking to them. Like, she knows me well. I never smoked or drink before.. and that's never gonna change. I don't understand at all WHY she would even bother asking me that question. What i hated even more was the fact that she didn't even stop it at that, but she asked me if i knew any drug sellers... i screamed at her saying ' WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME THIS?! IM NOT EVEN A DRUGIE'. I really would've appreciated that she would just change the topic after asking me if i wanted to get high with her... but just the fact she kept pushing at it, REALLLY pissed me off. Never ever will i ever do those disgusting things. And everyone knows that. The only thing i will ever do that's horrible is skip class, THATS IT. nothing more than that. UGH, cheese me.
That is all for today blogspot, :) I get to see my loves Christianne & Rachel tomorrow since we don't have school! <3 & then after i'm going down to Vaughan mills with my family. <3 YAYAYAY! fun friday :) so excited!
Written on September 15, 2011 at 9:52 PM
JYJ In Heaven
JYJ - In Heaven MV
i've been waiting for this day since forever! JYJ's In Heaven mv is finally out! & it's starring Song Ji Hyo & none other than JYJ's own Xiah Junsu <3
The mv was sad. :( but it was also cute at some parts! Song Ji Hyo is such an amazing actress, honestly. I love watching her act, & i've really grown to love her. I guess it's because of running man, haha. But, she's just too cute & funny, and you can't even hate her. LOL. The way she acted out the scenes where she had to cry and everything, AMAZING. I know she isn't using eyedrops, because i remember watching somewhere, where she is able to cry naturally in like, about a minute. That's pure talent right there!
As for junsu, this is actually his first time acting, since he's been in musicals up till now. He was so cute, hugging Song Ji Hyo when he saw her :) <3 I found this one part so funny though, when he was running to find Ji Hyo, and his tie whipped him in the face.. LOOOOOL. Just because it's him, i thought it was super adorable <33 & he has the same glasses as allie! >.> LOL. i want those glasses now, HAHA. but yeah, the mv was amazing. :'D
Now, about the song... OMGOSH, I LOVE IT SO MUCH. honestly, the first time i heard it live.. i downloaded it, and replayed it over and over again, despite the audio wasn't clear, & fangirls were screaming everywhere... like, i never ever do that. I usually would wait until the official version is released, but i just couldn't with this song. <3 It's even more beautiful because Jaejoong wrote it for his friend that passed away i think two years ago. <3 absolutely amazing! and JYJ's vocals just adds to the perfection <3 seriously, such a beautiful song. I love the melody, i love the lyrics! Can't get enough of this song. (L) This whole album was written by them, and i'm so proud of the boys! They've gone through so much ever since they parted with DBSK, and they had so much barriers and obstacles, but i love how that never stopped them from interacting with their fans and creating beautiful music for us to listen to. <3 So, this album was just so special to me :) <3 Finally get to hear the boys sing, film music videos & everything! I really hope they get to do promotions for this album <3
i've been waiting for this day since forever! JYJ's In Heaven mv is finally out! & it's starring Song Ji Hyo & none other than JYJ's own Xiah Junsu <3
The mv was sad. :( but it was also cute at some parts! Song Ji Hyo is such an amazing actress, honestly. I love watching her act, & i've really grown to love her. I guess it's because of running man, haha. But, she's just too cute & funny, and you can't even hate her. LOL. The way she acted out the scenes where she had to cry and everything, AMAZING. I know she isn't using eyedrops, because i remember watching somewhere, where she is able to cry naturally in like, about a minute. That's pure talent right there!
As for junsu, this is actually his first time acting, since he's been in musicals up till now. He was so cute, hugging Song Ji Hyo when he saw her :) <3 I found this one part so funny though, when he was running to find Ji Hyo, and his tie whipped him in the face.. LOOOOOL. Just because it's him, i thought it was super adorable <33 & he has the same glasses as allie! >.> LOL. i want those glasses now, HAHA. but yeah, the mv was amazing. :'D
Now, about the song... OMGOSH, I LOVE IT SO MUCH. honestly, the first time i heard it live.. i downloaded it, and replayed it over and over again, despite the audio wasn't clear, & fangirls were screaming everywhere... like, i never ever do that. I usually would wait until the official version is released, but i just couldn't with this song. <3 It's even more beautiful because Jaejoong wrote it for his friend that passed away i think two years ago. <3 absolutely amazing! and JYJ's vocals just adds to the perfection <3 seriously, such a beautiful song. I love the melody, i love the lyrics! Can't get enough of this song. (L) This whole album was written by them, and i'm so proud of the boys! They've gone through so much ever since they parted with DBSK, and they had so much barriers and obstacles, but i love how that never stopped them from interacting with their fans and creating beautiful music for us to listen to. <3 So, this album was just so special to me :) <3 Finally get to hear the boys sing, film music videos & everything! I really hope they get to do promotions for this album <3
Written on September 14, 2011 at 7:19 PM
school & life update
whatsup blogspot? it's been quite a while hasn't it? School has started, summer has ended. I can't believe i was actually looking forward to this school year.. honestly. i hate it so much & it's only been the second week of school! So, my schedule this semester is as follows;
Chemistry with Augustine
Anthropology with Lozada
Hospitality with Gioia
& Photography with Eland.
I thought this semester would be pretty chill since i got like, hospitality & photography... but boy, was i wrong! Chemistry itself is just hell for me. Augustine CANNOT teach to save his life! I'm lost in his class, i have no idea what i am doing.. the lessons he teaches, the homework we have, the labs we do... i know NOTHING. You know it's bad when i even failed the safety test.. like what the hell? SAFETY QUIZ i never failed that. He doesn't even give us a review or anything, how the heck am i suppose to remember the whimis symbols and whatnot?! We had a 'math skills' quiz today... and omgosh, i failed that badly too. I don't know how everyone i talked to said that quiz was easy... like, you serious bro? I'd be even lucky if i got 30% on that quiz! It was ridiculously hard! And i want to drop out so badly already! But everyone is telling me not to, cause they want to have a class with me, :( But i'm really gonna fail that class if i continue being in it. Augustine cannot teach, all he knows how to do his blink his eyes four times constantly when he's 'teaching' and teach us the most pointless stuff, like how to look at the mL in a graduated cylinder... -___-" I really shouldn't have take chemistry... i thought i liked it.. but this year just proved how much i've grown to hate it! I'm glad i know people in chemistry class that i can turn to for help though. :) thinking about chemistry alone makes me angry...
Next is anthropology! I only took this course cause Christianne was in it. LOL i like this course.. kinda. haha, i was told that this course is hard.. but it's boring instead! LOL. We just read the textbook & have class discussions. I like Ms Lozada though. She's nice, :) & i'm so glad to have amelia ronilea & josh in my class too, even though they're far away from me :( especially josh! LOLOL. But ti's okay, we communicate through text, ;) LOL. rebel tings yo! Yeah, other than the fact it's boring, i enjoy the class! LOL.
HOSPITALITY ! <3 my favourite class! even though i don't know anyone in my class.. and there's more guys than girls.. i really like this class, :) I learn so much in just the 75 minutes im there, & i love mr gioia! He's so funny & cool :) I absolutely love how we always randomly get food in the middle of class, <3 Like, baked sweet potatoes or like, muffins. We even made chocolate chip cookies, yummm. <3 YUP, i love this class! LOL. The only thing that annoys me is the fact i always get a random phone call right at 11:10AM when i'm trying to learn in that class.. and the fact i don't have caller id just makes me even more mad! But whateves yo, i'm gonna hunt this person down very soon!
photography... ugh. hate this class. I hate the people in this class.. the grade 12s are just rude, & the grade 11 girls are the drugies and loud & rude ones >.> i'm not associating myself with them! That class is boring too -___-" I can't even sleep cause i don't even have a proper desk to sit & work at.. like, what kinda classroom is that?! and all the camera parts that we're learning... i have no idea what these parts are! & my test is tomorrow, SO SCREWED.
yup, i'm so screwed this semester. I'm lucky if i even get on the honour roll again this year! honestlyyyy.
well, that was my school update.. NOW, life in general update. LOL. this is gonna be interesting. WELL, it's been awhile since i had a crush or even liked someone.. and man, can't believe i'm actually convincing myself i like this guy. -___-" there's nothing even great about him. yeah he's cute, he's smart, funny, & he's caring when he wants to be... but, still.. i don't even know what it is about him that makes me attracted to him -___-" the irony of all this is that my friends wants to hook me up with this guy, & they don't even know that i like him, HAHAHA. It doesn't even help that i have him in my homeroom class & as well, i share lockers with him. GEEZ. this year isn't the year for me to like a guy. why couldn't it have been last year when i barely had anything to worry about -__-" gosh, i'm confusing. I somehow keep liking him more and more when we text each other till like, 2:30 in the morning -__-" somebody shoot meee. :( hmph. this ain't cool!
everything's confusing, everything's stressful :( NOT LIKING THE START OF THE YEAR.
Chemistry with Augustine
Anthropology with Lozada
Hospitality with Gioia
& Photography with Eland.
I thought this semester would be pretty chill since i got like, hospitality & photography... but boy, was i wrong! Chemistry itself is just hell for me. Augustine CANNOT teach to save his life! I'm lost in his class, i have no idea what i am doing.. the lessons he teaches, the homework we have, the labs we do... i know NOTHING. You know it's bad when i even failed the safety test.. like what the hell? SAFETY QUIZ i never failed that. He doesn't even give us a review or anything, how the heck am i suppose to remember the whimis symbols and whatnot?! We had a 'math skills' quiz today... and omgosh, i failed that badly too. I don't know how everyone i talked to said that quiz was easy... like, you serious bro? I'd be even lucky if i got 30% on that quiz! It was ridiculously hard! And i want to drop out so badly already! But everyone is telling me not to, cause they want to have a class with me, :( But i'm really gonna fail that class if i continue being in it. Augustine cannot teach, all he knows how to do his blink his eyes four times constantly when he's 'teaching' and teach us the most pointless stuff, like how to look at the mL in a graduated cylinder... -___-" I really shouldn't have take chemistry... i thought i liked it.. but this year just proved how much i've grown to hate it! I'm glad i know people in chemistry class that i can turn to for help though. :) thinking about chemistry alone makes me angry...
Next is anthropology! I only took this course cause Christianne was in it. LOL i like this course.. kinda. haha, i was told that this course is hard.. but it's boring instead! LOL. We just read the textbook & have class discussions. I like Ms Lozada though. She's nice, :) & i'm so glad to have amelia ronilea & josh in my class too, even though they're far away from me :( especially josh! LOLOL. But ti's okay, we communicate through text, ;) LOL. rebel tings yo! Yeah, other than the fact it's boring, i enjoy the class! LOL.
HOSPITALITY ! <3 my favourite class! even though i don't know anyone in my class.. and there's more guys than girls.. i really like this class, :) I learn so much in just the 75 minutes im there, & i love mr gioia! He's so funny & cool :) I absolutely love how we always randomly get food in the middle of class, <3 Like, baked sweet potatoes or like, muffins. We even made chocolate chip cookies, yummm. <3 YUP, i love this class! LOL. The only thing that annoys me is the fact i always get a random phone call right at 11:10AM when i'm trying to learn in that class.. and the fact i don't have caller id just makes me even more mad! But whateves yo, i'm gonna hunt this person down very soon!
photography... ugh. hate this class. I hate the people in this class.. the grade 12s are just rude, & the grade 11 girls are the drugies and loud & rude ones >.> i'm not associating myself with them! That class is boring too -___-" I can't even sleep cause i don't even have a proper desk to sit & work at.. like, what kinda classroom is that?! and all the camera parts that we're learning... i have no idea what these parts are! & my test is tomorrow, SO SCREWED.
yup, i'm so screwed this semester. I'm lucky if i even get on the honour roll again this year! honestlyyyy.
well, that was my school update.. NOW, life in general update. LOL. this is gonna be interesting. WELL, it's been awhile since i had a crush or even liked someone.. and man, can't believe i'm actually convincing myself i like this guy. -___-" there's nothing even great about him. yeah he's cute, he's smart, funny, & he's caring when he wants to be... but, still.. i don't even know what it is about him that makes me attracted to him -___-" the irony of all this is that my friends wants to hook me up with this guy, & they don't even know that i like him, HAHAHA. It doesn't even help that i have him in my homeroom class & as well, i share lockers with him. GEEZ. this year isn't the year for me to like a guy. why couldn't it have been last year when i barely had anything to worry about -__-" gosh, i'm confusing. I somehow keep liking him more and more when we text each other till like, 2:30 in the morning -__-" somebody shoot meee. :( hmph. this ain't cool!
everything's confusing, everything's stressful :( NOT LIKING THE START OF THE YEAR.
Written on September 13, 2011 at 10:39 PM