toy story 3
it honestly been awhile since i hung out with my bestfraands Christianne & Nicole (L).I got to hang out with them today! i was super duper happy. Thankyou God for making this such a fun day! So, i woke up at around 9 today, got ready to go to school to get my report card. I saw Carmelina,and i was happy to see her :) miss her, but i'm definitely gonna see her in the summer cause rachel & i are gonna crash her pool ;) just saying. Anyways, so i got my report card, and i looked at it, and i got an 80 average! :D bwahaha, and i went up in geography. :D i got a 71% i was super happy. from a 65 to a 71 ! :D After i got my report card, i left with Carmelina and saw Mina! haven't seen that girl in so long, so i was glad to see her beautiful face & smile :) <3 So then, carmelina & i said our goodbye to Mina, and went downstairs. I saw brandon and johnny and asked them if they saw Christianne & Nicole. They said no, and we went our separate ways. But then, Johnny comes back to me, and said 'oh! there they are... nevermind, i thought it was them, cause there was a bunch of asians' LMFAOOO. oh man, that guy kills me<3 what a cutieee. hahaha , hopefully he's in my history class in summer school<3 So around 5 minutes later, Christianne and Nicole popped up! :D Gave them such long hugs, cause i missed them. :D Said bye to Carmelina, and then we missioned to go get their report cards. LOL.
We went to get Nicole's first, and then Rachel calls us and tells us to get her report card for her. ROFL, that lazy girl! she didn't come to school like how i told her to last night. :( So i didn't get to see her, i missed her. So we go to the second floor to find rachel's classroom to get her report card for her, but on the way we stopped at Sasha's classroom cause nicole needed to get her report card. We waited for the teacher to finish talking to some students for a good 15 minutes, and when we finally got the chance to ask for Sasha's report card, the teacher wasnt even her homeroom teacher. LOL big fail nicole. ;) So we then saw Rachel's teacher and asked if we could get the report card for her, and the teacher gives us attitude and says no >.> which totally sucks. So we then went to the third floor to get Christianne's report card, and her sister's. After, we went outside and tried to look for Mina, but we couldn't find her. : ( she went home already! so then, we just decided to go home.
Once we got home, we ate some watermelons, and just sat and ate and talked. :3 Then my sister calls me to go upstairs and watch paranormal activity 2 trailer with her cause she's scared. ROFL. cute right? XD so my sister nicole & i watched it, while christianne was on my computer cause she was scared. hahah. she even blasted her iphone so she wouldnt hear anything . LOOOL. Then i have nicole holding onto my arm and my sister hiding behind nicole while watching . LMFAO, cutest thing on earth bwahaha.
After watching, Chris Nicole & i just did our own stuff on the computer. Nicole & Chris danced to Eenie Meenie , ROFL. and then after, Chris & i danced to gee . XD well , i 'attempted' to. LOL , then Chrissy gets all violent with me and slaps me for not dancing, and then later elbows me in the head . ROFLROFLROFL. most painful thing ever , but it was hilariousss .
Then after, i get my lovely headlocks from Nicole. ;) we were like, on the ground fighting. ROFL, and then chris decided to come and TICKLE ME, and of course once i get tickled, i turn into the most violent person ever. LOL. i kicked and slapped nicole because they kept tickling me . XD and even if it was Chris who tickled me, Nicole just happened to be the closest to me, so i had to slap and kick SOMEONE . LMFAO . i left her a good present on her leg . D: it was all red!
so then, it was getting close to noon, and we havent eaten, so we decided to start walking to trinity for the movies and food. but before we went, we made some popcorn and packed some pop for the movies . ;) ROFL, cause we're cheap like that. Well .. not Chris and Nicole since i told them about this idea. XD LMFAO. but its smart and a great way to save money. (Y)
So we walked for a good half hour and on the way there, we had a truck honking at us -.- JUSSSST GREAAAT. and of course my sister is so extra, and sticks up the middle finger and says 'F U' LMFAO .
so we got there, bought our tickets and went in to watch toy story 3! the movie was super cute! :D i liked it aloot. there was this one toy, that were a pod of peas, and we said it was us, 3 peas in a pod . ;) HAHA. After, we went to pizza pizza bought $1 pizza cause we had coupons, and then we went to starbucks, and sat and drank our fraps for a good 2 hours, and just talked about everythingggg . It was goood. felt just like old times how we'd talk<3 After sitting in starbucks for a good 2 hours, we went to claires to just look at things and fool around. LOL. Then my mom came to pick us up, and went back to my house, watched tv, and then they went home at around 6:30. :3 it was a nice and relaxing daay! minus all the walking we did. LOL. sucks how we planned to see each other 3 days straight, but it's not gonna work out. :( one day though! in august. <3 i love these girlies, they're my life. <3
We went to get Nicole's first, and then Rachel calls us and tells us to get her report card for her. ROFL, that lazy girl! she didn't come to school like how i told her to last night. :( So i didn't get to see her, i missed her. So we go to the second floor to find rachel's classroom to get her report card for her, but on the way we stopped at Sasha's classroom cause nicole needed to get her report card. We waited for the teacher to finish talking to some students for a good 15 minutes, and when we finally got the chance to ask for Sasha's report card, the teacher wasnt even her homeroom teacher. LOL big fail nicole. ;) So we then saw Rachel's teacher and asked if we could get the report card for her, and the teacher gives us attitude and says no >.> which totally sucks. So we then went to the third floor to get Christianne's report card, and her sister's. After, we went outside and tried to look for Mina, but we couldn't find her. : ( she went home already! so then, we just decided to go home.
Once we got home, we ate some watermelons, and just sat and ate and talked. :3 Then my sister calls me to go upstairs and watch paranormal activity 2 trailer with her cause she's scared. ROFL. cute right? XD so my sister nicole & i watched it, while christianne was on my computer cause she was scared. hahah. she even blasted her iphone so she wouldnt hear anything . LOOOL. Then i have nicole holding onto my arm and my sister hiding behind nicole while watching . LMFAO, cutest thing on earth bwahaha.
After watching, Chris Nicole & i just did our own stuff on the computer. Nicole & Chris danced to Eenie Meenie , ROFL. and then after, Chris & i danced to gee . XD well , i 'attempted' to. LOL , then Chrissy gets all violent with me and slaps me for not dancing, and then later elbows me in the head . ROFLROFLROFL. most painful thing ever , but it was hilariousss .
Then after, i get my lovely headlocks from Nicole. ;) we were like, on the ground fighting. ROFL, and then chris decided to come and TICKLE ME, and of course once i get tickled, i turn into the most violent person ever. LOL. i kicked and slapped nicole because they kept tickling me . XD and even if it was Chris who tickled me, Nicole just happened to be the closest to me, so i had to slap and kick SOMEONE . LMFAO . i left her a good present on her leg . D: it was all red!
so then, it was getting close to noon, and we havent eaten, so we decided to start walking to trinity for the movies and food. but before we went, we made some popcorn and packed some pop for the movies . ;) ROFL, cause we're cheap like that. Well .. not Chris and Nicole since i told them about this idea. XD LMFAO. but its smart and a great way to save money. (Y)
So we walked for a good half hour and on the way there, we had a truck honking at us -.- JUSSSST GREAAAT. and of course my sister is so extra, and sticks up the middle finger and says 'F U' LMFAO .
so we got there, bought our tickets and went in to watch toy story 3! the movie was super cute! :D i liked it aloot. there was this one toy, that were a pod of peas, and we said it was us, 3 peas in a pod . ;) HAHA. After, we went to pizza pizza bought $1 pizza cause we had coupons, and then we went to starbucks, and sat and drank our fraps for a good 2 hours, and just talked about everythingggg . It was goood. felt just like old times how we'd talk<3 After sitting in starbucks for a good 2 hours, we went to claires to just look at things and fool around. LOL. Then my mom came to pick us up, and went back to my house, watched tv, and then they went home at around 6:30. :3 it was a nice and relaxing daay! minus all the walking we did. LOL. sucks how we planned to see each other 3 days straight, but it's not gonna work out. :( one day though! in august. <3 i love these girlies, they're my life. <3
Written on June 30, 2010 at 8:30 PM
the same.

Written on June 29, 2010 at 9:46 PM
its been awhile since i blogged . :D missed my blog man . i actually survived 2 weeks without my internet! woot woot , proud of myself ! xD haha. not much to say, but just.. i'm glad to have my internet back, but its going so slow T____T .
well, that is all. goodbye blog. :3
well, that is all. goodbye blog. :3
Written on at 12:54 PM
bitches & sluts
Dear Slut,
You’re so funny. You never fail to make me laugh. I love how you call us bitches. Haha, well if you’re calling us bitches, then I guess I have the right to call you a slut. :) Well technically, I’m speaking the truth. :3 I love the fact you post a blog saying how we’re bitches, but yet you don’t even have enough guts to actually explain why we’re bitches. And for your information, I think you don’t even know the definition of ‘bitch’. Because the only real bitch would be me. And not the other people you listed. Especially Rachel. She never done anything to you, and yet here you are mentioning her name, and saying she’s a bitch. Real smooth sweetie. I actually wanna hear how I’m a bitch ;) I know I am one anyways. So, if you got the guts, why don’t you tell me how big of a bitch I am. ;) .. you know, instead of posting it on your blog and whatnot. I don’t think anyone deserves to know how big of a bitch I am but me. Or, the whole world can know too, but can I at least know first? ;) After all, it is about me. I feel so loved at the fact you’re mentioning me in your blog<3 Real sweet of you. So this post is to you, when you write about me, its only nice if I write about you too, no? ;)
Ps; I love how you change your URL of your blog after you posted about us. ;)
You’re so funny. You never fail to make me laugh. I love how you call us bitches. Haha, well if you’re calling us bitches, then I guess I have the right to call you a slut. :) Well technically, I’m speaking the truth. :3 I love the fact you post a blog saying how we’re bitches, but yet you don’t even have enough guts to actually explain why we’re bitches. And for your information, I think you don’t even know the definition of ‘bitch’. Because the only real bitch would be me. And not the other people you listed. Especially Rachel. She never done anything to you, and yet here you are mentioning her name, and saying she’s a bitch. Real smooth sweetie. I actually wanna hear how I’m a bitch ;) I know I am one anyways. So, if you got the guts, why don’t you tell me how big of a bitch I am. ;) .. you know, instead of posting it on your blog and whatnot. I don’t think anyone deserves to know how big of a bitch I am but me. Or, the whole world can know too, but can I at least know first? ;) After all, it is about me. I feel so loved at the fact you’re mentioning me in your blog<3 Real sweet of you. So this post is to you, when you write about me, its only nice if I write about you too, no? ;)
Ps; I love how you change your URL of your blog after you posted about us. ;)
Written on June 24, 2010 at 5:27 PM
father's day
Dear daddy,
happy father's day. I apologize for all the times we fought because of my stupid actions. I know you always want the best for me because i'm your daughter. I say things to you that i don't mean. And i hope you do know that i really don't mean them at all. And i know when you say things like, 'Go die' you don't mean it either. Even though i always say that you love your older daughter more, and you always object to it, saying 'No, i love both my daughters' i know you're speaking the truth, even at the times when it doesn't seem like it. You're honestly the best daddy ever. We've had our ups and downs, but our fights never last long. It's sad on my part, how you'd always be the one to make the effort to talk to me after we fought. But i really appreciate that. You always have to wake up early and drive my sister & i to school, and you'd drive us to lessons and patiently wait for us to finish, no matter how long we take. You work for long hours so that you can earn money for us, and even give us money randomly because we used all our money up. But of course, you know, we wouldn't take it. We don't deserve your money. You worked so hard to earn money, and you deserve to spend the money yourself :) . So daddy, don't continue giving us money okay? Because i know i will never accept money from you. I said happy father's day to you last night at 12AM before you went to bed, and it's sad how i couldn't spend father's day with you today because you had work. Today was the only year that i couldn't :( . But i still remembered this important day, and called you telling you 'happy father's day'. You didn't sound too happy on the phone, but i know for a fact you were happy in your heart. Because when i said, 'iloveyou' you replied back with, 'iloveyoutoo' and you rarely do that :3 . that made me really happy. I still have to treat you to lunch or dinner like i promised you. It might come late though, since i don't have any money right now. BUT i'm definitely going to keep my promise. I love you alot daddy, you don't even understand. Mommy really chose the perfect guy to get married to. I'm going to study harder and not disappoint you after all you've put me through for a better education <3 thankyou daddy, i love you <33 .
happy father's day. I apologize for all the times we fought because of my stupid actions. I know you always want the best for me because i'm your daughter. I say things to you that i don't mean. And i hope you do know that i really don't mean them at all. And i know when you say things like, 'Go die' you don't mean it either. Even though i always say that you love your older daughter more, and you always object to it, saying 'No, i love both my daughters' i know you're speaking the truth, even at the times when it doesn't seem like it. You're honestly the best daddy ever. We've had our ups and downs, but our fights never last long. It's sad on my part, how you'd always be the one to make the effort to talk to me after we fought. But i really appreciate that. You always have to wake up early and drive my sister & i to school, and you'd drive us to lessons and patiently wait for us to finish, no matter how long we take. You work for long hours so that you can earn money for us, and even give us money randomly because we used all our money up. But of course, you know, we wouldn't take it. We don't deserve your money. You worked so hard to earn money, and you deserve to spend the money yourself :) . So daddy, don't continue giving us money okay? Because i know i will never accept money from you. I said happy father's day to you last night at 12AM before you went to bed, and it's sad how i couldn't spend father's day with you today because you had work. Today was the only year that i couldn't :( . But i still remembered this important day, and called you telling you 'happy father's day'. You didn't sound too happy on the phone, but i know for a fact you were happy in your heart. Because when i said, 'iloveyou' you replied back with, 'iloveyoutoo' and you rarely do that :3 . that made me really happy. I still have to treat you to lunch or dinner like i promised you. It might come late though, since i don't have any money right now. BUT i'm definitely going to keep my promise. I love you alot daddy, you don't even understand. Mommy really chose the perfect guy to get married to. I'm going to study harder and not disappoint you after all you've put me through for a better education <3 thankyou daddy, i love you <33 .
Written on June 20, 2010 at 7:18 PM
1/4 exam
so today was the first day of exam! i had my geography exam today. Might i say that i regret not studying yesterday? yeah .. well , I REGRET IT. who would've thought the exam was freaking 17 pages long?! and there were so many long answer questions .. PLUS essay questions. like what people said, my teacher is so not normal. -_________-" and i didn't even finish it, WHEN WE GOT EXTRA TIME TOO. there goes by 70% in geography. fml. So hard .. this exam was harder than the science exam! and i hate science more than geography. gosh. but i'm glad i got that out of the way! one exam down, three more to go.. and then SUMMER VACATION FOR TWO MONTHS (LLLL) . so stoked. (L)
so after exams today, Christianne came over to my house :3 . We watched a bit of tv, and i cooked instant noodles for her bwahahaha :) i hope she liked my cooking ... :$ i never cooked for anyone besides my family. so she should feel special ;) .. i lied. she probably forced herself to shove it down her throat. so after we finished eating and watching tv, we went upstairs to my computer, watched videos and talked to people on msn. We got to webcam with Esther for a bit. And Esther was so cute <3 hahah. My sister ordered pizza, and we had some :D it was so delicious. We both had a slice and a half :) After eating, we got changed and we went to go visit my school. LOL, its seriously the ghettoest thing ever. And my school is so paranoid. Wanting me to wait till school is done before i can visit my teachers. pffft. that's why we sneaked in ;) pretend to look at the grad photos, and made our way to classrooms. ROFL. im surprised we didn't get caught! haha. I was quite happy going to my old school today, i was able to see some of my friends there like Vicki, Lora, Sandra, Monarie & Sydney. All the asians! it was good :). We walked back home, and we had popsicles and orange juice outside in my backyard. SO RELAXING after a long walk in the sun! Went upstairs to the computer again afterwards. And this is the bad part, while Christianne was on the phone with her mommy or daddy and on my computer, i was laying down on a couch behind her .. and next thing you know, i'm knocked out. i totally left her hanging while i was sleeping! That is the worst thing anyone could do! and the fact no one even woke me up! D:< i honestly don't even know how long i slept for. oh man. D: worst guilt ever. So when i woke up, we had dinner. We ate noodles and congee :). Chrissy took some home for her family haha. After dinner, went back upstairs to the computer ;) ROFL. And then, we decided to watch a korean movie called 'The Classic' AND IT IS SUCH AN AMAZING MOVIE. I NEVER KNEW SUCH A MOVIE EXISTED. so goood! at times i got confused, but Chrissy explained to me. ;) we finished at the perfect time when her daddy came to pick her up. :D
today was a good day, minus having to see some other people appear at my door. But whatever, i got to spend the day with my bestest fraaaand <3
ps; this girl is abusive! ROFL, she slaps hard, and she pretends to give me a hug, but tackles me on my bed. LMFAO. cutie<3 'dolphins are just gay sharks' ;) <3
so after exams today, Christianne came over to my house :3 . We watched a bit of tv, and i cooked instant noodles for her bwahahaha :) i hope she liked my cooking ... :$ i never cooked for anyone besides my family. so she should feel special ;) .. i lied. she probably forced herself to shove it down her throat. so after we finished eating and watching tv, we went upstairs to my computer, watched videos and talked to people on msn. We got to webcam with Esther for a bit. And Esther was so cute <3 hahah. My sister ordered pizza, and we had some :D it was so delicious. We both had a slice and a half :) After eating, we got changed and we went to go visit my school. LOL, its seriously the ghettoest thing ever. And my school is so paranoid. Wanting me to wait till school is done before i can visit my teachers. pffft. that's why we sneaked in ;) pretend to look at the grad photos, and made our way to classrooms. ROFL. im surprised we didn't get caught! haha. I was quite happy going to my old school today, i was able to see some of my friends there like Vicki, Lora, Sandra, Monarie & Sydney. All the asians! it was good :). We walked back home, and we had popsicles and orange juice outside in my backyard. SO RELAXING after a long walk in the sun! Went upstairs to the computer again afterwards. And this is the bad part, while Christianne was on the phone with her mommy or daddy and on my computer, i was laying down on a couch behind her .. and next thing you know, i'm knocked out. i totally left her hanging while i was sleeping! That is the worst thing anyone could do! and the fact no one even woke me up! D:< i honestly don't even know how long i slept for. oh man. D: worst guilt ever. So when i woke up, we had dinner. We ate noodles and congee :). Chrissy took some home for her family haha. After dinner, went back upstairs to the computer ;) ROFL. And then, we decided to watch a korean movie called 'The Classic' AND IT IS SUCH AN AMAZING MOVIE. I NEVER KNEW SUCH A MOVIE EXISTED. so goood! at times i got confused, but Chrissy explained to me. ;) we finished at the perfect time when her daddy came to pick her up. :D
today was a good day, minus having to see some other people appear at my door. But whatever, i got to spend the day with my bestest fraaaand <3
ps; this girl is abusive! ROFL, she slaps hard, and she pretends to give me a hug, but tackles me on my bed. LMFAO. cutie<3 'dolphins are just gay sharks' ;) <3
Written on June 19, 2010 at 2:00 AM
autumn's concerto
so i just finished watching episode 6 of autumn's concerto. IT WAS SO SAD. and to think it's ONLY episode 6 that i'm on .. i still have a good 15 episode to finish! if i'm already balling my eyes out now, can you imagine how its gonna be later on? D: The events in the drama are predictable, but somehow it still managed to make me cry. And the ending was just so shocking ... i won't say what it is, but i thought there wouldn't be anymore time left for the huge suspense .. BUT I WAS WRONG. as if making viewers cry 20 minutes before the ending wasn't bad enough, they just had to add that in to finish off the episode. SO FREAKING SAD. i don't think i ever cried 20 minutes straight with my mouth opened in shock from a drama! This is getting so good. i'm really loving this drama <3 .
Written on at 1:49 AM
grade 9
i honestly can't believe how fast this year went by. It was incredible. I remember the very first day of school. I was lost in the hallway, and i didn't know anybody. I was scared i wouldn't make any friends, i would fail every course, and that i would go on the wrong path. But things turned out to be totally different. I met amazing people who i now call my best friends, i'm not failing anything, and i'm still on the right path in my life :) . When people say high school is fun, they weren't lying. It really isn't scary like how i thought it was. When i told myself last year, that i was going to start anew, i fulfilled my goal :3 . I've made so many unforgettable memories. Some good and some bad. Many things happened this year, but we gain some and we lose some. Things turn out the way they did for a reason. And we can only learn to accept them. Good things fall apart for better things to fall together. High school taught me many things. Im finally able to tell who are my true friends that will be there for me forever, and others who just happen to be in my life. Even if i got hurt in the past that made me build a wall around myself, i'm proud of myself for being open to others and getting their trust in return as well. At this point, it doesn't matter to me who i lost throughout the year. I really only need those we truly care for me and actually showed it. Because then, i know that they mean what they say and they proved their words to me. This year has been amazing. There were many tears in the progress, but there were definitely way more smiles that were shown.
Christianne Gregorio
Nicole Palazzotto
Alyssa Armogan
Rachel Tenorlas
Esther Ma
Friza Perez
Sasha Ramlall
Kathreena Fernandez
Johnny Sarmiento
Josh Villegas
i love you all . thankyou for always being able to put a smile on my face. Hopefully i'll have a class with each of youu next year<3 .
Christianne Gregorio
Nicole Palazzotto
Alyssa Armogan
Rachel Tenorlas
Esther Ma
Friza Perez
Sasha Ramlall
Kathreena Fernandez
Johnny Sarmiento
Josh Villegas
i love you all . thankyou for always being able to put a smile on my face. Hopefully i'll have a class with each of youu next year<3 .
Written on June 18, 2010 at 12:20 AM
chinese school
Time goes by fast. Especially when you're having the time of your life. It's soon going to be a week since chinese school finished. I must say, this year went by too fast. I actually wish it didn't end so soon. I want to continue making unforgettable memories with those who are most important in my life. Honestly, i've known those boys my whole life, literally. I can't believe i've only became close with them 2 years ago. But i guess, its better than nothing. I'm glad i was able to be friends with them. They make my saturdays so much better. I know i can depend on them to make me happy when i had a bad week. I always bully them whenever i see them for 3 whole hours, but i love at the fact they just bully me back. What i say is true, i only bully those i love alot. And i wont lie, i really do love them. I know when i tell them in person that i love them, they won't even think much like what other guys would do. Because they know i treat them like family. It makes me really sad at the fact they won't even be coming back next year. My saturdays are going to be so lonely and boring now. There's nothing to look forward to anymore. No one could make me die of laughter as much as they did to the point where my face turned red, and my stomach hurts.
Nathan: i've known you for over 10 years now. It's incredible how fast time goes by. I've literally grown up with you. Out of the guys, you're the one who i'm closest to. Even though you dont remember coming to me for help with your problems last year, its okay. I still remember. Why? simple. Because at that point, i felt trusted. I never thought you'd actually come to me for advice and help. And you thanked me after. : )I was really happy to know that you came to me for your problems. Whether it was family or girl problems. And i was glad i got the opportunity to help you out. Mrs Su said i'm gonna be MC next year.. i really wish you would come next year and be MC with me. Yeah there are other guys, but i'm most comfortable with you. thankyou for all these years. you gave me amazing memories to cherish forever . i love you <3
William: Just like nathan, i've known you for over 10 years. We never really talked until grade 7. I remember how we did start talking though. It started when you guys decided to throw eraser bits at my head. LOL and treated my sweater hoodie like a basketball net. LMFAO. those were amazing times :) . You're actually a really caring and sweet guy. I remember i wouldn't even dare to approach you cause i seriously thought you were like some serial killer. You had this look on your face every time, like you were going to kill someone. But i was glad you proved me wrong. I wish you would come back next year. I'm definitely gonna miss arguing with you. i love youuu <3
Aaron: i've known you for only 2 years. But somehow, it's amazing how we got close :) At first , i swear you hated me. I always tried making conversations with you, wanting to be your friend, but you just kept brushing me off and talking to Natassya instead. But now look, you make the most hilarious jokes ever. You always have me grabbing my stomach and dying of laughter. Thankyou aaron, for allowing us to be friends. I thought we would never be. And you still have to show me your dancing skills LIVE ! i love youu .

i hope i get to see you guys soooon! love you all<3 .
Nathan: i've known you for over 10 years now. It's incredible how fast time goes by. I've literally grown up with you. Out of the guys, you're the one who i'm closest to. Even though you dont remember coming to me for help with your problems last year, its okay. I still remember. Why? simple. Because at that point, i felt trusted. I never thought you'd actually come to me for advice and help. And you thanked me after. : )I was really happy to know that you came to me for your problems. Whether it was family or girl problems. And i was glad i got the opportunity to help you out. Mrs Su said i'm gonna be MC next year.. i really wish you would come next year and be MC with me. Yeah there are other guys, but i'm most comfortable with you. thankyou for all these years. you gave me amazing memories to cherish forever . i love you <3
William: Just like nathan, i've known you for over 10 years. We never really talked until grade 7. I remember how we did start talking though. It started when you guys decided to throw eraser bits at my head. LOL and treated my sweater hoodie like a basketball net. LMFAO. those were amazing times :) . You're actually a really caring and sweet guy. I remember i wouldn't even dare to approach you cause i seriously thought you were like some serial killer. You had this look on your face every time, like you were going to kill someone. But i was glad you proved me wrong. I wish you would come back next year. I'm definitely gonna miss arguing with you. i love youuu <3
Aaron: i've known you for only 2 years. But somehow, it's amazing how we got close :) At first , i swear you hated me. I always tried making conversations with you, wanting to be your friend, but you just kept brushing me off and talking to Natassya instead. But now look, you make the most hilarious jokes ever. You always have me grabbing my stomach and dying of laughter. Thankyou aaron, for allowing us to be friends. I thought we would never be. And you still have to show me your dancing skills LIVE ! i love youu .

i hope i get to see you guys soooon! love you all<3 .
Written on June 16, 2010 at 8:39 PM
crazy moments.
omfg, a moment ago i was spazzing about how my night got ruined. WELL, it just got totally better! Today has been an amazing day. Especially tonight. Like, i'm having all these crazy moments with my sister & my best friend<3 its quite amazing. It sucks that Esther wasn't actually here at my house while all this is happening. But at least she was here while we all had our crazy laughs<3 . bwahaha , she wish she can see me make a paper airplane and write a note to my sister in it, and have it crash in the plants, and then see me crawl and throw it to her again. HAHA. She says she cant picture me doing that. XD , well thats only cause i never let anyone see this side of me. :3 Crazzzzy night. i think Esther needs to sleep over one day<3 .
Written on June 14, 2010 at 1:40 AM
no life.
i had such an amazing day today, but who would've thought someone like you could just ruin it for me. Thanks alot. Honestly, you have a mind like 2 year old. You do the most immature things of life. Can you please grow up? People tell me i shouldn't even waste my breath or time or my happiness on you, and they're right. I should waste it on something better. But you just so happen to piss me off so badly. You have no idea just how much i wanna cuss you off. Actually , not just me , but alot of people. You're a big hypocrite, did you know that? And i've said this many times, i hate hypocrites .. aka i hate you. If i could, i would love to have your face meet my fist. :) But i think, you're not even worth that either. If you have the guts to say something, how about you tell it to me to my face instead? i appreciate that even more. And don't go starting shit about people you don't know. Especially if that person is my best friend. I will honestly rip your face off. Remember, you mes with my best friends, you're messing with me. And let me tell you, i'm a biggest bitch of life. I'm not afraid to do anything to you. So you be careful.
Written on at 1:08 AM
I thought after the whole misunderstanding that we went through, things were gonna get awkward , and we wouldnt be able to tell each other our secrets anymore . But just now, you proved me wrong . You told me you had something to tell me . Just like old times . And through your words, you re-assured me that you can still trust me . I'm so thankful for that , i wanna cry. LOL . i've been crying alot this week, but this has just touched my heart. You have no idea how much this means. I was so scared i would make someone lose their trust in me, especially my best friend . I was scared to ask you about it, but somehow, it felt like you read my mind, and came up to me first and said you had something to tell me .I guess when people say 'best friends connect' they werent lying. <3 thankyou for trusting me again and giving me the chance to help you. <3 i love you aloooooot. <3333
Written on June 6, 2010 at 1:40 AM
upset stomach.
Today was a pretty good day . I was able to chill with my loves.<3 It's been awhile since we all got together and just chilled ate and talked . I was glad we finally got the chance to. (: It really sucked at the fact i couldn't even join in on the conversation! I felt like i couldn't breathe , and i felt like i was gonna die any second now. Honestly, i hate my body. Why is it always in pain? gosh . It was killing me so badly, that i just wanted to get a knife and stab myself for the pain to go away. Never once , had i thought of that before because of a stomach ache! But today, i was sweating like crazy, dying of heat, couldn't breathe in or breathe out, and i couldn't even laugh without it hurting! Honestly stomach, out of all days .. you chose TODAY . where i was able to finally eat white food, try spaghetti and meatballs .. THANKS . -_-" not to mention , i wasted like 13 bucks . I got all the food out of my system .. but i got it out in the wrong way. it was pretty disgusting . Looking at it made me want to throw up even more! I cant thank enough for my loves being there and giving me water and stuff when i wasnt feeling well , and telling me to sleep even if it was in public! ROFL. they're such sweeties<3 I had a fun night despite the unpleasant dinner ! D;
AND , i wish i was smart enough to tell the waiter what happened so i could get my meal for free, and we didnt have to pay more money! i could've got us to pay less . D: damnit. Should listen to my mom . NEXT TIME , i will remember ! actually, i dont pray for a next time like this to happen :\
AND , i wish i was smart enough to tell the waiter what happened so i could get my meal for free, and we didnt have to pay more money! i could've got us to pay less . D: damnit. Should listen to my mom . NEXT TIME , i will remember ! actually, i dont pray for a next time like this to happen :\
Written on June 5, 2010 at 1:13 AM
lesson learned.
sometimes, i wonder where the hell did my brain come from? apparently, if you have a big head, you have a small brain. seems like i got that. Cause i'm so stupid. Honestly, what was i even thinking? drifting away from my best friends? smart viviann smart . You should've known better than that. You should've known they aren't like those people back at your old school! They're way better than that. They keep the words they say to you. So never doubt them. Because they would never lie to you, when they say they're always there for you, and they would never abandon you.
Last Night, i decided i wanted to be strong and to not depend on people on my problems anymore. But i realized, being strong isn't about facing problems alone. It's about gathering the courage to talk about it to the people who love you, especially telling them if they're the one who made you cry. That's what being strong is. My definition of strong was totally wrong. It caused a huge misunderstanding between my best friend and i. I used the excuse of saying she had her own problems to deal with and didn't want her to worry, because i didn't have the courage to tell her what was actually wrong. I knew that not telling her was gonna cause even more problems. But again, i couldn't gather up the courage to just tell her like that. And then, because of that i made her cry. I made her think that she did something wrong. When in reality, it was my fault. It wasn't anyone's fault, but my own. I should've just told her when she asked me the first time, because i knew she wouldn't judge me. But i always had a thing of not being able to tell people that they were the cause of my pain. But i came to my senses that it's better to talk it out rather than to avoid it. Because once you avoid the problem, it just grows bigger and bigger. But when you talk about it, you are able to compromise and solve the problem together and have your friendship grow stronger through that. So, from now on, I won't deal with things alone because that's not me. I'm not strong. And people accept me for that. What makes me strong are my best friends.
Last Night, i decided i wanted to be strong and to not depend on people on my problems anymore. But i realized, being strong isn't about facing problems alone. It's about gathering the courage to talk about it to the people who love you, especially telling them if they're the one who made you cry. That's what being strong is. My definition of strong was totally wrong. It caused a huge misunderstanding between my best friend and i. I used the excuse of saying she had her own problems to deal with and didn't want her to worry, because i didn't have the courage to tell her what was actually wrong. I knew that not telling her was gonna cause even more problems. But again, i couldn't gather up the courage to just tell her like that. And then, because of that i made her cry. I made her think that she did something wrong. When in reality, it was my fault. It wasn't anyone's fault, but my own. I should've just told her when she asked me the first time, because i knew she wouldn't judge me. But i always had a thing of not being able to tell people that they were the cause of my pain. But i came to my senses that it's better to talk it out rather than to avoid it. Because once you avoid the problem, it just grows bigger and bigger. But when you talk about it, you are able to compromise and solve the problem together and have your friendship grow stronger through that. So, from now on, I won't deal with things alone because that's not me. I'm not strong. And people accept me for that. What makes me strong are my best friends.
Written on June 4, 2010 at 12:05 AM
At the moment, i feel like the whole world is turning their back against me, that the whole world is gonna come crumbling down any second. I feel so lost, lonely and insecure in this world. I feel like everything people say to me just happens to be all lies. I feel like I'm drifting away from my loves who i put as my everything. Am i being paranoid? Or is that how i really see things? I don't know anymore. I want this pain to stop. I thought my depressing days were over, I thought that i was starting anew, that my life got turned around for the better. It seems like people just wanted to bring my hopes up, just so they can bring it back down again. Were promises made to be broken? Many reply with a 'no', so how come i feel like it is? Maybe in this life, I never deserved to ever be happy. I dislike having my old vulnerable self coming out again. I hate myself for tearing down the wall i had once built around myself from others. I want to build it back up, so that i won't continue getting hurt. I don't want to make people my everything anymore, because once they're gone, i'll be left with nothing. I should end the pain soon so that i won't continue getting hurt in the future. I can keep my word for being there always, but let me ask you, can you? And don't promise me anything yet. I want to see if you can through actions. I cried for 2 days straight already. Just like old times, where i would cry everyday.. I'm afraid I'm going to break down tomorrow. That's the last thing i want. To let my friends see me cry, and especially at school where everyone can see me ...I should start showing people by strong side, and stop crying. Let's try it.. but it'll be hard. Depression for the rest of the year, here i come. Because i know, i know that this is just the beginning of losing more friends who are dear to me.
Written on June 3, 2010 at 12:54 AM
french class.
i love my french class so much. i really dont want french to end! its always so jokes in there . The only class i really like this whole semester ! I honestly never thought i'd get so close to some of the people in there! But boy, was i totally wrong . I really want to have another class with them all next year! it would be epic if we were all in the same class again. :) Amazing memories with them, and i wish to make even more memories throughout these 4 years! <3 What can i say? i really am blessed to have met such amazing people. Kathreena, Josh, Aaron, Jarret, Josh, Alyssa. I love you guys. i love coming to french class to see & talk to you guys. ( LLLL ) The guys may get on my nerves sometimes, but they can't push me around, cause they know just how TANK i am. >:] bwahahahaha .

Kathreena decided to brand us all , using my white out. <3 LOOOOL . we got like, some ink poisoning from her cause we werent able to wash it off for two days. DDD:

next day, MY TURN to ink poison her. :D hehehehehe . its a fact. Kathreena loves me & josh. her ADINGS. ;

josh tried to make a decent heart with his hand, but made a diamond instead. So,this is our new way of making hearts. <3 love my ate & kuya !

kathreeena wrote 'i <3 u vivian diep" on her wrissst . <3 thats how much she loves me :D i knew it . hehehehe . i love you ateeee. ( LLLLL
amazing memories with the amazing peopleee . <3

Kathreena decided to brand us all , using my white out. <3 LOOOOL . we got like, some ink poisoning from her cause we werent able to wash it off for two days. DDD:

next day, MY TURN to ink poison her. :D hehehehehe . its a fact. Kathreena loves me & josh. her ADINGS. ;

josh tried to make a decent heart with his hand, but made a diamond instead. So,this is our new way of making hearts. <3 love my ate & kuya !

kathreeena wrote 'i <3 u vivian diep" on her wrissst . <3 thats how much she loves me :D i knew it . hehehehe . i love you ateeee. ( LLLLL
amazing memories with the amazing peopleee . <3
Written on June 2, 2010 at 9:53 PM
Today was a fun day at BCC with my love Christianne. <3 we spent practically 3-4 hours there! LOOL . So, we went there to mission to buy some things . ;D we accomplished our mission. (Y) keke , i love what we bought. :D very cute things. (: well afterwards , we got hungry and decided to go grab some ice cream at dairy queen!
Christianne kept offering to buy a sundae and share with me and all that , and i kept refusing , cause i dont like money being spent on me, but of course i failed at convincing her that i wasnt gonna eat any! she she bought the oreo fudge earthquake sundae .. cause she knows i like oreo and fudge . $: i swear , this girl knows everything about me! its quite amazing . So, she bought it , and i told her i wasnt gonna eat any , so i took out my fruits and ate it while she was eating her sundae , and then she decides to take my spoon and get a spoonful of ice cream and stick it in my container of fruits! LOL. so of course i had no other choice but to eat it , ): Once i finish eating that, she tells me to eat the rest of the sundaaeee . ): like wth? D: the girl was trying to get me diabetes! LOOL . such a devastating thing happened next though , we did some pinky promises , and when our pinkies collided , we knocked the sundae down! ): i was so in shock! and everyone around us was looking at us. D; But , our sundae! that costed $5:45 . 3 THERE WAS A PERFECTLY NON EATEN BROWNIE IN THERE TOO . 3 my heart broke, and i felt so guilty to not eat it when Christianne told me. D: so my birthday , i'm determined to treat her to food, :3
Once we had cleaned up our mess on the ground, we went to Laura Petite to try on dresses! they were so cuteee . but so expensive. T_T" i wanna buy the dresses so badly! just for the hell of it, cause theyre adorable . <3

yeah, cute dresses right? I WANT THEM SO BADLY . i cant wait to go semi formal dress shopping and for sure prom dress shopping! :D i love dress shopping so much. <3 its so fun to try on such pretty dresses. ^^ teeheee .
So we tried on dresses for 2 hours, which only seemed like it was half hour! time goes by fast when you're having fun. (: So at 6 , sister texts me saying how her & mom was here to pick us up . She told us to meet them at the sears entrance, so we run there scared that we're gonna get my mom mad, and once we get there we found out that we went to the wrong entrance! so we walked around to the other, and i call my mom to tell her we're coming, only to find that my mom & sister are at starbucks now! so, we had to walk across to the plaza with starbucks, we go in, thinking they're in there, and we dont see 2 Asian people at all! so what we ddi was, walk in through on door, and exit through another. LOL . and they were in the car waiting for us. LOL. and then we drove christianne home. (: fun day! and i failed alot today. -___-"
And i had a scrumptious dinner tonight. (: mommy made all my favorite food !

Christianne kept offering to buy a sundae and share with me and all that , and i kept refusing , cause i dont like money being spent on me, but of course i failed at convincing her that i wasnt gonna eat any! she she bought the oreo fudge earthquake sundae .. cause she knows i like oreo and fudge . $: i swear , this girl knows everything about me! its quite amazing . So, she bought it , and i told her i wasnt gonna eat any , so i took out my fruits and ate it while she was eating her sundae , and then she decides to take my spoon and get a spoonful of ice cream and stick it in my container of fruits! LOL. so of course i had no other choice but to eat it , ): Once i finish eating that, she tells me to eat the rest of the sundaaeee . ): like wth? D: the girl was trying to get me diabetes! LOOL . such a devastating thing happened next though , we did some pinky promises , and when our pinkies collided , we knocked the sundae down! ): i was so in shock! and everyone around us was looking at us. D; But , our sundae! that costed $5:45 . 3 THERE WAS A PERFECTLY NON EATEN BROWNIE IN THERE TOO . 3 my heart broke, and i felt so guilty to not eat it when Christianne told me. D: so my birthday , i'm determined to treat her to food, :3
Once we had cleaned up our mess on the ground, we went to Laura Petite to try on dresses! they were so cuteee . but so expensive. T_T" i wanna buy the dresses so badly! just for the hell of it, cause theyre adorable . <3

yeah, cute dresses right? I WANT THEM SO BADLY . i cant wait to go semi formal dress shopping and for sure prom dress shopping! :D i love dress shopping so much. <3 its so fun to try on such pretty dresses. ^^ teeheee .
So we tried on dresses for 2 hours, which only seemed like it was half hour! time goes by fast when you're having fun. (: So at 6 , sister texts me saying how her & mom was here to pick us up . She told us to meet them at the sears entrance, so we run there scared that we're gonna get my mom mad, and once we get there we found out that we went to the wrong entrance! so we walked around to the other, and i call my mom to tell her we're coming, only to find that my mom & sister are at starbucks now! so, we had to walk across to the plaza with starbucks, we go in, thinking they're in there, and we dont see 2 Asian people at all! so what we ddi was, walk in through on door, and exit through another. LOL . and they were in the car waiting for us. LOL. and then we drove christianne home. (: fun day! and i failed alot today. -___-"
And i had a scrumptious dinner tonight. (: mommy made all my favorite food !
Written on June 1, 2010 at 12:15 AM